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Oase Biomaster 2 600 Thermo Spray Bar


Thread starter
8 Feb 2025

I've just installed an Oase Biomaster 2 600 Thermo in my 200L tank. At the moment I've installed the spray bar across the back of the aquarium in the middle. It covers about a third. I was wondering if anyone knows if the spray bar can be extended or would this affect the flow? I'm very new to fish keeping and my tank has been running for nearly 5 weeks. I would like the tank to have good flow so I'm also not sure if the bar is better across the back of the tank or the side.

Thanks in advance.
Hi and welcome,
I was wondering if anyone knows if the spray bar can be extended or would this affect the flow?
It will reduce the velocity but should improve distribution/circulation towards the sides of the tank where at present there may be dead areas, especially on the side without the inlet. I assume that you are running low tech and as such I personally think this is a better option.
I would like the tank to have good flow so I'm also not sure if the bar is better across the back of the tank or the side.
Whether this is plausible or not depends on the shape/dimensions of your aquarium, what are they? If the tank is long (1.2m?), it would probably not be practical, whereas if it is more of a cuboid then quite possibly OK.

You also have the option of removing the spray bar and directing the outflow across the front or rear of the aquarium creating a circular pattern, but obviously the choice is yours.