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Oange 'staining' on plants


28 Feb 2017
Good morning all!

After many battles with algae of late of of which I've nearly won apart from a couple of strands of BBA and a bit of brown algae....

Anybody else experienced orange staining to the roots of free floating plants and on the leaves of plants?

I've currently got it going on on some of my plants mainly my cambombas, the edges of the leaves on my anubias and the free floating roots on my penny wort. I feed with EI dosing and dose the tank every other day with iron and regularly test the water including iron. My only suggestions is pointing to leaching from my root tabs or it's coming from my mopani wood.

Anybody have any suggestions to what is causing it?

Thanks in advance of any ideas/assistance on this

Kind regards

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Dying BBA, likely. It turns redish when dead... Is it fluffy?
Sometimes i also see BBA develop in the roots of my Hygroryza aristata.. A likely place for BBA to develop so close to the lights. I do not use any chemiclas like glut to kill i just cut it away. But with using glut you can kill it and it's trun redish in color.. 🙂
Cheers for the reply zozo! Yeah that bugger does turn red especially when it's been blasted with Easy Carb! however in this case I can't blame it for this as it's 'just' staining without any crappy filaments of beard/hair... I ought to have added the stains appear on my white filter trays, no slimy residue or anything that would appear to indicate its algae!

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