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"Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 17/08/09)

LondonDragon said:
Nice cherries Clark, very nice colour indeed, where did you get them? good luck with them this time.
I got them from AquaJardin. They had a really good batch.
They're really active and I'm happy to see them cleaning. I hope they have shrimplets.
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 17/08/09)

Superman said:
I got them from AquaJardin. They had a really good batch.
They're really active and I'm happy to see them cleaning. I hope they have shrimplets.
If you do you know I want some to add to mine haha problem with LFS they usually only get females, because of their colour and to stop people breeding them 😉
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 17/08/09)

First weekend away with the new livestock and all still living!
I'm getting an increase in algae, mostly since the increase in co2. I've therefore increased the dosing of TPN+ to 1ml per day and reduced the photoperiod. The shrimps seem to be happy and have found that the fish prefer crushed flakes over anything else. I could be overfeeding with an outbreak of snails so I'm only feeding every other day.

Tomorrow night I'm going to trim the HM and HC again. I'm really pleased with the HC growth since my last trim, it's filling out.

Photos tomorrow.
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 17/08/09)

I've had a trim of the HM and HC as I said in the post above.
I'm amazed how thick the HM on the left side got but most of the lower parts of the plant were brown so only replanted the green shoots.

I would take some photos today, but I'm borrowing my friend's DSLR tomorrow for the weekend, so will try and play with the camera and post the photos here.

The only problem I'm having is a breakout of ramshorn snails and so trying to pick out everyone I see. They're a bit annoying to say the least.
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 17/08/09)

Superman said:
The only problem I'm having is a breakout of ramshorn snails and so trying to pick out everyone I see. They're a bit annoying to say the least.

do you want to send them to me? ive run out of pest snails and my assassain is hungry 😀

Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 17/08/09)

Nick16 said:
Superman said:
The only problem I'm having is a breakout of ramshorn snails and so trying to pick out everyone I see. They're a bit annoying to say the least.

do you want to send them to me? ive run out of pest snails and my assassain is hungry 😀


They usually don't last when I get a grip onto them or I would.
I might get an assassain to help clear the snails as they're certainly a pest. How does your get along?

I've got my friends Cannon 450D for the weekend, I'm looking forward to some happy snapping. It looks like I've got a few lenses to play with too.
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (DSLR Photos! 05/09/09)

Bud, you tank should easily have a full carpet by now... you sure your getting enough co2 and ferts in there, and circulating them right?

Pics look cool :thumbup:
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (DSLR Photos! 05/09/09)

JamesM said:
Bud, you tank should easily have a full carpet by now... you sure your getting enough co2 and ferts in there, and circulating them right?

Pics look cool :thumbup:
Thanks James, it's fun using the camera.

I'd wish I'd got a full carpet! I'm adding 1ml of TPN+ per day and there seems to be sufficient co2.
The photos are taken a day after my fortnightly trim so it does look a bit bare.

I do have brown/green growth on the glass and the diffuser lasts a week without cleaning.
The HM is not bright green after the new shoots which points to some defficiency.
Given that I might double the dose of TPN+ for the next two weeks to see how it all goes.

My friend is thinking of selling their camera with a sigma ap0 dg 70-300mm 1:4-5.6 lens which means nothing to me. But they're not sure on a price and I'm not sure how much I should offer! Any ideas?!
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (DSLR Photos! 05/09/09)

Can't help you with the camera, but I'd think about switching to dry ferts asap, or doubling the TPN+ dosing. You should have the lawnmower on standby by now... get your DC yellow too, so long as the fish can handle it.
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (DSLR Photos! 05/09/09)

I'm thinking, slightly under exposed.(not all) the difficulty with exposure comes with the bright background and near dark stones. curves can save your ass here. along with dodge and burn

this is more apparent with the fish shot. you need to make sure the fish are exposed correctly not the background. the background will go real bright, but then thats a cool look with aquatic shots.

BTW i like the moss in the stone crack
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (DSLR Photos! 05/09/09)

I would like to see a larger F-stop setting. The out of focus backgrounds and foregrounds were a bit overwhelming on some of the shots. Increasing the F-stop will give you more depth of field with the trade-off of requiring more exposure or flash. Then again, maybe you know all this and thats the artistic look you were going for.

The sigma 70-300mm lens(about $200 new) would be good for birds or sports, and mediocre at best with shrimp. Even on it's macro setting, I imagine you will have to be a minimum of a few feet away from your subject in order to focus. A true macro lens (Nikon folks call them micro) can be rewarding when shooting those little guys. I love shooting plants and inhabitants with a whiz bang SLR and proper lens. I only wish i had a tank like yours to take pictures of. :thumbup:
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (DSLR Photos! 05/09/09)

saintly said:
BTW i like the moss in the stone crack
Thanks, those cracks have been crying out to me for a while to put some moss in there. I've got weeping in there at the minute and am waiting for it to take off. It's growing slowly like everything else in my tank. This week or weekend I'm changing to dry ferts and EI rather than TPN+ to see what the difference is.

kevkev said:
I would like to see a larger F-stop setting. The out of focus backgrounds and foregrounds were a bit overwhelming on some of the shots. Increasing the F-stop will give you more depth of field with the trade-off of requiring more exposure or flash. Then again, maybe you know all this and thats the artistic look you were going for.
I did try and get a larger F-stop setting, I found that my bridge camera (Powershot A710IS) seems to be much better at attaining a larger F setting.

kevkev said:
The sigma 70-300mm lens(about $200 new) would be good for birds or sports, and mediocre at best with shrimp. Even on it's macro setting, I imagine you will have to be a minimum of a few feet away from your subject in order to focus.
I did find it to be a more outdoor lens and could get a good photo for landscapes but not my tiny tank.

kevkev said:
A true macro lens (Nikon folks call them micro) can be rewarding when shooting those little guys. I love shooting plants and inhabitants with a whiz bang SLR and proper lens. I only wish i had a tank like yours to take pictures of. :thumbup:
Thanks Kev, I think if I were to buy an SLR I'd get a lens for taking close up shots more and maybe a proper macro/micro lens. If only I wasn't saving for a house!
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (DSLR Photos! 05/09/09)

So I've moved to all in one solution using dry ferts as I had them from my 180 litre.

Using NutriCalc and adding this information into keymaker's calculator with another 50% on top for safety, I get in 100mls for 1ml dose per day
KNO3 12g
K2SO4 6g
KH2PO4 6g
MgSO4 3g
Trace 1.5g

So I've started dosing this for the last few days. Without jumping the gun too much plants I've not seen pearling before starting to pearl! Hopefully, this upturn in plant health will continue.

Any thoughts and/or comments would be welcome.
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (DSLR Photos! 05/09/09)

So a week on after changing fert regime to the above daily dosing and I can only say that I've seen a massive step change in the plants.
Everything is now lush and green. I'm even getting a HC carpet.

I'm getting some brown/green algae on the glass which could be down to the 8 hours of lighting I have, so am thinking of reducing the lighting to limit algae.

I don't have any clean up crew in there now and I'm removing the pest snails as much as possible, so think a reduced photoperiod of 5 hours per day should limit algae.

The weeping moss is starting to weep, I can't wait to see it once it's fully grown in. It's filling out the gap and even growing upwards on the rock.

Overall, it's getting to where it is.

Photos tomorrow after a clean up. :thumbup:

Hopefully, it'll fit nicely into my and Louise's brand new build house we'll be moving into in December. Then it should be on a proper stand and fitting in with the decor a bit more.
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (DSLR Photos! 05/09/09)

So, I had a proper clean up today and thought I'd take some photos of my tripod.

There was only two "good" ones, so thought I'd show them to you...

The weeping moss is starting to weep:

A full tank shot:

It's getting there, next week I'll trim everything again, but since moving to the new all in one solution, things have certainly picked up.
I don't think the photos do it justice, I can't wait for things to grow in, maybe another few weeks.

Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (DSLR Photos! 05/09/09)

Superman said:
So I've moved to all in one solution using dry ferts as I had them from my 180 litre.

Using NutriCalc and adding this information into keymaker's calculator with another 50% on top for safety, I get in 100mls for 1ml dose per day
KNO3 12g
K2SO4 6g
KH2PO4 6g
MgSO4 3g
Trace 1.5g

So I've started dosing this for the last few days. Without jumping the gun too much plants I've not seen pearling before starting to pearl! Hopefully, this upturn in plant health will continue.

Any thoughts and/or comments would be welcome.

got a link to that calculator please clark?
i dont get your figures above, going by the recommendations on AE for the ferts, the ratio of kNO3:KH2PO4 is nearly 6:1 not 2:1 as you are doing?
also the MgSO4 according to AE should work out as roughly twice as much as the KNO3 in weight?

so its ok to mix the trace with the others? i thought the chelator broke down or something if this was done?
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 21/09/2009)

The Nutricalc can be downloaded from the following URL: http://www.cherniaksoftware.com/homepag ... riCalc.exe
It originally used it for my 180 litre where it worked.
I didn't list that I was adding Ascorbic Acid (E300) and Potassium Sorbate (E202) to the solution.
Re: "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr (Photo Update 21/09/2009)

Superman said:
(...)my 180 litre (...) in 100mls for 1ml dose per day
KNO3 12g
K2SO4 6g
KH2PO4 6g
MgSO4 3g
Trace 1.5g
Oh, I will do a calculation check, I thought you are dosing 1ml to the 180 liter... 😳
How often do you change the water, and how much?