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No wonder newbies struggle

I think that should be titled How to grow algae and waste as much money as possible while doing it.
At least it doesnt go as far as reccomending nitrate/phosphate removal.
I don't know what you mean it all makes perfect sense to me:bored: ...OK 12 hours of light might be a bit excessive - as is replacing your bulbs every 12 months🙄 ... And the water flow thing, removing nutrients from the substrate is a bit dubious, especially in a closed system😕 as is the exclusive use of inert substrate😵 And recommending the use of heating cables is also a bit spurious😱 ...
...err...OK then...perhaps Maidenhead Aquatics need to update their "Datasheets" - to be fair, Peter probably wrote it sometime in the deepest darkest 80s...or maybe 90s...00s?
I don't know what you mean it all makes perfect sense to me:bored: ...OK 12 hours of light might be a bit excessive - as is replacing your bulbs every 12 months🙄 ... And the water flow thing, removing nutrients from the substrate is a bit dubious, especially in a closed system😕 as is the exclusive use of inert substrate😵 And recommending the use of heating cables is also a bit spurious😱 ...
...err...OK then...perhaps Maidenhead Aquatics need to update their "Datasheets" - to be fair, Peter probably wrote it sometime in the deepest darkest 80s...or maybe 90s...00s?

Appoligies I don't know who Peter is, I hope I have not caused any offence to him.
Pete Hiscock - the famous aquatic author - is one of my bessie mates and I'm sure he wouldn't be offended...he's got very broad shoulders...a sloping forehead...and...umm...a receding chin. Here he is below having his photo taken for the jacket of his latest book. He often forgets to shave...

All that advise in the article seems oriented to generate more sales for the shops. The article is written in a way to make sure that folks will have problems, but not nesessarily too much. So business will go well and folks will be moderatly happy not knowing what are they waisting money for.

I do agree though about the innert substrate and it's size. However the use of innert substrate will require some experience with the dosing routine and very likely a PH controller to keep good CO2 levels , but prevent PH collapse.
Don't forget that the lighting guide may have been written for commonly available first-time hobbyist tanks, those that come with maybe 1 or 2 tubes of lighting which are insufficient. Reflectors, full-spectrum tubes are all good advice. When you wanna move your game up a few notches then these don't apply directly anymore. Not for you and I.