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Nice web site

I think ukshrimp.co.uk is also a good site(the one i ALWAYS use), shrimp now seems to be used relatively little and advice is fairly vague normally 🙁
mr. luke said:
I think ukshrimp.co.uk is also a good site(the one i ALWAYS use), shrimp now seems to be used relatively little and advice is fairly vague normally 🙁

This is the one i use also, just to spy on you guys. 😉
If you google plant inverts though, you see a lot of people complaining about them :!: So I would be very careful shopping with them if I were in the USA. Make sure you do plenty of research beforehand. Great information resource though.

ShrimpNow! used to be a busy little site, but its slowly grinding to a halt it seems 🙁 Hardly anyone posts there these days. Shame.
I use all sites mentioned! LOL is there a forum I don't have an account in??? I wonder lol
Planet inverts had people complaining because he took more orders than he could fulfill on sulawesi snails and shrimps then he went awol. The forum is good but I'm lead to believe his shop is hit and miss since the whole sulawesi incident.