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john dory

16 Nov 2014
I'm currently using 1x25w t8,to grow crypts and echinodorus.
They are all doing well,and are algae free.
However,i've bought some hygrophillia corymbosa and some ludwigia repens and was wondering if it would be possible to grow these plants at my current lighting level.
If the Echinodorus can thrive........both Hyg. corymbosa and Lud. repens should be capable too !! They pretty much have the same demands.
Ok thanx for your help.
I should mention the bulb is approx 2 feet from the substrate and is behind a glass lid.

I bought some months ago a Tropica Hygrophyla corymbosa siamensis and I expected a faster growth, as everywhere this plant is stated as a fast and easy grower (I expected something similar to Hygrophila difformis or sessiliflora). I have some stems in the high and low tech tank, and in both tanks they grow at a very similar rate (they are actually looking more natural in the low tech one, with longer leaves looking upwards. In the high tech with medium light and loooots of co2 it has smaller leaves which are rounder). Lovely plant!
