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Newsletter discussion

It's a nice idea, but I don't really get the point of it when this is a forum and we can just hear about events etc here anyway? :?
We were hoping it would add to the forum with info about UKAPS events, updates about what's been going on plus some featured tanks and possibly some extra, special features when we get going.
Newsletters tend to go straight in my spam bin... will this newsletter be published on the main site? Might be worth considering as search engine bots can pick up the info too then.
Yes, all newsletters will be published for all to see. Most likely on the main website.

A lot of people don't often read the forums and so would miss out on a lot of what goes on here. But they may wish to be kept informed of what is happening with UKAPS and in the UK aquatic plant scene. Anybody can subscribe to the newsletter even if they aren't a member of the forum. You don't have to subscribe if you don't want to, the choice is your's.

Ohh I see. 😀 I am goin to sign up anyway, I was just curiious as to how it was going to differ much from the actual forums because that hadn't really been explained.

Cheers guys 😉
Thats a great idea. I subscribe to the Money Saving Expert newsletter, which I receive each week and it lists all the best bits from the web site. It's just nice to be kept informed when I can't look at that forum very often 😀 Quite often there is one or two bits in the newsletter I would like to have further info on without having to trawl through the whole website to find them.
I can see that quite a lot of people have registered for the newsletter with most having activated their account. There are a few though that haven't activated yet and am wondering if this is because they didn't receive the activation email.

Could I ask that anyone who has registered but never received the activation email to contact me. The most likely reason for not receiving the email is that is has been filtered out by a spam filter. Could you check your spam emails first please.

Aeropars said:

I registered but never received an email and I dont have spam filtering on the account I used.

Your activation email should arrive within seconds of registering. I'll activate your account from here.

Mmmmmmm. Noticed nearly every single unactivated account is either hotmail or googlemail. Coincidence? perhaps

I have received my activation email at my HOTMAIL account, but when you press the link ' Nothing Happens' 🙁
Mark Green said:
I have received my activation email at my HOTMAIL account, but when you press the link ' Nothing Happens' 🙁
Copy the web link and paste it into your web browser. If you can't get it to work then PM me your email address and I'll activate you here.

Copy the web link and paste it into your web browser.

This has solved the problem 😀

Thank you for confirming your subscription to our newsletters. The newsletters you are subscribed to are listed below
UK Aquatic Plant Society
UK Aquatic Plant Society Newsletter

Cheers for the advice James
