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Newbie to this site


6 Apr 2012
Hello all. Only just found this site for some reason and wow, I'm loving it. One thing about keeping aquariums is it does not matter how long you've been at it, you can still learn from others. Have kept fish for as long as I can remember ( and that's a long time) but still love it to this day.
Here's a link to my tank and hope I can add a little of my knowledge as well learning from you all.
http://s1105.photobucket.com/albums/h35 ... 0Aquarium/
:text-welcomewave: You will find UKAPS a mine of information, supported by friendly and some very experienced aquarists. Love that tank ! What a starting point, lol.
Hello Barny and WOW! thats a great tank!! What occupants get to enjoy that?

Hi and thanks for the comments. At the moment I am in the middle of a major re-planting session and will update the photo's once it's completed and established.
As for the occupants,

2 Silver Dollars
2 Angels
1 Humbug Catfish
6 Albino Catfish
14 to 17 Panda Catfish (bred from original 4)
8 Bronze Cory Catfish
4 Peppered Cory Catfish
9 Harlequins
9 Neons
1 Golden Loach
4 Siamese Algae Eaters
9 Zebra Danios
2 Black Widows
4 Clown Loach
4 Rummy nose tetras
4 Small Discus
2 Pictus Catfish
1 Glass Shrimp (Sonia)
? Malaysian snails
? Cherry shrimps
And anyone I may have forgotten !
Lucky inhabitants! So you've managed to keep rcs with clown loach? I haven't dared to put any in with mine as I was sure they'd get eaten. I know my clowns will eat any kind of snail I put in. I stupidly put a zebra snail in there when I bought four and by the next day all I had was an empty shell 🙁 Excess MTS are just a treat for them!
