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Newbie struggling with "initials"


14 Jan 2012
Hi all
I have just joined this forum and I have to say it is crammed full of knowledge and experience for all aquarists(?) if thats what we are called.

I have had a few set ups during a number of different places I have lived in the UK and in Australia. In Australia I used, eventually, exclusively BIOPLAST products with great results but since moving to the UK and houses jobs etc..... I have not had a tank setup for about ten years.

This month is the start of something new 😉 😉

I have bought a Jewel 300 tank I believe off ebay and am about to start the development of a planted Discus environment! Therefore I have been busy searching co2 systems, substrate and plants that will be ok in the warmer water.

However, and this is my point, I am struggling coming to terms such as "EI" "HC" (i think I got that one its a ground covering plant!) and another one which I have no idea of is "EC". 😳 😳
Is there anyway the experienced guys and gals on here can put a list of the common abbreviations you all use so that a numpty like me can get even more from this great forum!

here's hoping

Neil (Barrow Cumbria)
Newbie struggling with "initials"

Ec could also be easy carbo
A liquid carbon supplement
Oh and welcome aboard

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hogan53 said:
Hi Neil
:text-welcomewave: aboard.
To get you started EI...Estimated Index a dedicated fertilizing regime.
HC...http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/aquafle ... -2645.html
a foreground carpeting plant.
EC....Could be Ecco Complete a planting media.

I think I got these now.... thanks for the help but Im sure there will be more! EC in the context written is the ecco complete and I discovered the EI for myself by further reading. Quite a posting that on its own. Will have a go but will be reading it all again first!

Will be collecting my tank at the end of the month. Included is some "other bits" so we will have to wait and see. Some bogwood some gravel an external filter and various heaters all included in the sale as well. Quite a lot to sort through before i get any tank set up and associated pictures. I will keep a journal and post it in the appropriate place as I go and will probably be back on here looking for help and info too! :geek: :geek: :geek: