Hi, I'm in Harlow aka 'arlow and have a couple of planted (not so well) tanks.
1. 72 ltr mostly cherry shrimp, 6 kuhl loach, 5 chilli rasbora (would like to add 10 more) and a honey gourami
Tank been running for two years, gravel substrate (to be changed when I pluck up courage with Nutrasoil black/dark brown)
2. 350 ltr 6 discus bought from lfs
paired up and produce young on regular basis, pair Rams, 5 Otos,
5/6 orange stripe corydoras. This tank been up and running a year, cat litter/sand substrate.
I tend to use lfs at Bishop Stortford for RO & fish also a great little lfs at Hook End between Kelvedon Hatch/ Brentwood.
Local P@H for Tropica plants
When I get a chance I'll sort out some pics (nothing to write home about), now how do you get a 35mm film out of a digital camera