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Newbe introduction (again)


14 May 2012
Whitworth, Lancs
Hi All

I posted an introduction a couple of weeks ago, but had a PM today to say it was deleted accidently lol (its ok Mark you're forgiven 😉 ) and to ask me to re-post my introduction - so if you think you're having a senior moment, you not, you have read this before lol.

Any way ...

I've been keep fish for about 8 years, mainly my daughters 40 gallon community tank that has lived in her bedroom. She had all the joy of the fish, I provided the nurture and maintenance wih none of the pleasure lol. As my daughters room has recently had a make over she decided that she no longer wanted the tank, the fish have been rehomed and I now have the tank for myself 😀 😀
It will be a couple of months before I can set it up so have time to plan it properly. I thinking along the line of a low tech planted tank with angel fish.
I hoping to bug you all for tips and advice as I slowly get the tank going.
The first job (once the room it's going in is decorated) will be for hubby to build a new stand for it. Things never happen fast it my house where DIY is concerned and my obsessive tendencies are now beginning to take hold - never a good thing.

Anyway hello again and I hope to start a journal in the not to distant future.


I think Mark is having morphine issues, as far as i can see your original intro is still here, just below this one on the new members page!
But hey ho, welcome again!
Dexie said:
The first job (once the room it's going in is decorated) will be for hubby to build a new stand for it. Things never happen fast it my house where DIY is concerned and my obsessive tendencies are now beginning to take hold - never a good thing.


Welcome again.

I suffer from both of these syndromes. The time you have can be used for research time. :thumbup:

Good luck with the tank.
Ady I think you're right, I noticed that after I 're-posted' - but my husband is always telling me I repeat myself.

Spyder you're so right, I've already started looking at substrate, heater, possible plants etc. Problem is patience has never been my strong point, hopefully room will be decorated at half term, that said, the sun is shining which would indicate a pending camping trip, something i'd normally be excited about, but hoping for rain at the moment lol
Well it's halfterm and it's raining 😀 :thumbup:

This means we're decorating, it's a slow process (always is in my house) but it's underway.

Once room is finished, I need a little more patience whilst awaiting hubby to build tank stand - I did half threaten to start it myself, but he told me in no uncertain terms that he'd not let me lose near a circular saw. Probably a wise decision given that I climbed a small step ladder this afternoon and in the time it took to take the curtains down, I'd forgotten which way I should be facing to go back down, stepped back to descend and landed flat on my back knocking my mug of tea over as I went. I was ok but miffed to lose the tea lol.

Anyway won't be long now (I hope) before I can start my project 😀
Sounds like a scream a minute at your place. :lol:

Do you think you have a patience problem? I'm already working out what I need to turn my current 60l shrimp tank into a high tech Iwagumi. Filter, check. Light's, check, Co2 reg, check. Nice expensive rocks, hmmm. Thing is the shrimp tank has only been running about 5 weeks and I'm already planning on what to do in it next. 🙄

I can send you some Staurogyne trimmings soon if you want to try a little bit of emersed growing? It may keep you occupied until the big day. 😀
Thank you Spyder that's really nice of you. Only think is that I need to get the substrate yet. I'm thinking JBL Aquabasis toped with 2-3mm gravel. I've not considered emersed growing, I'll need to look in to that. Will saurogyne be ok in a low tech tank? I'm really green (excuse the pun) when it comes to a planted tank as this will be my first attempt :? .

My poor hubby dosent get the "aquarium thing" but is humouring me for a quiet life I think, but he'll be banning me from this forum if he gets wind that I'm being encouraged :lol: