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New Tank Opinion/ Rec & Question


16 Jan 2023
Hey guys, I have not posted for a long while. Having had fish for two years now, I have learnt a bit and realised what I like/ don't like.

I currently have a 70 litre aquarium, with an external filter, and if I am honest it looks very messy and I want to switch to an 'all in one' aquarium.

I enjoy fish keeping but am pretty amateur and not looking for something high maintenance or complicated, just want to have a nice looking tank that does what it says on the tin and is suitable for my stock.

I currently have

  • 3 cory (I know they need to be in a larger group, and I will look to get another 3 one I sort the tank situation out!)
  • 1 male guppy - I had 7 but the other 6 died at varying points, not entirely sure why, have not had any fish deaths for months now, potentially my mollies?
  • about 6 adult molly and some fry, I do not want to keep molly any longer as they breed so often I am constantly having to take fish back to my LFS to keep tank stock within limits.
  • shrimps and snails (so many snails!!)

I have been using AqAdvisor to check and I think I will probably look at getting a few more cory, and perhaps some tetra/ raspboras/ killifish (obviously will check all compatibility before doing so).

I am looking at three tanks, all a similar price and wanted input on which to go for, or if ultimately, for someone like me, any of them would be suitable.

The tanks I am looking at:

- fluval roma 125

- juwel rio 125

- aquaone nano 80 - (130)

The aquaone specifically appeals due to the fact the filter and heater are hidden which I think is aesthetically more pleasing, along with the seamless edges, but the juwel rio and fluval seem more common?

Just wondered what people would recommend/ if anyone has any other suggests for a tank under the £300 mark, all in one (filter included), volume between 100 - 130l, ideally filter intergrated/ hidden, and I tend to prefer longer profile aquariums?

Lastly, in regards to my Molly and Guppy, is it ethical to keep a single male guppy and a single male molly in a community tank? If not I either need to get a few more guppy, or return him to the LFS, and I ask regarding the Molly as there is one I have had for 2 years since he was a fry and would love to keep him, but really not sure I want to keep livebearers longterm!

If you've read to the end, thank you for sticking with me!