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New Tank - couple of questions

Tropical Simon

17 Nov 2014
Hi everyone,
I've just set up a Fluval Roma 200. It's currently going through a fishless cycle. I'm a long time planted tank fan but am not going to get "into" it like most on here. I would like a good compromise though.

I have 2x 30 watt bulbs in it - a T8 Aqua Glo and a T8 Power Glo. I've put a time switch on the lighting so that it comes on for 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours at night. Would you say this is a low light or medium light tank when I'm looking for some easy plants?

I don't want to go down the CO2 route but I would change the bulbs if there are different ones which may add a bit more help.

Plant wise I was just going to go for some I like the look of such as Hygro, Giant vallis, java moss and amazon fern. Would they suit this profile of tank?
Thanks everyone,
You should be fine with the light. What I do recommend hugely is adding fertilizers to the tank. Not the kind that you buy in your LFS but the ones they sell over here or on ebay.

I recommend you try any cryptocoryne species since in my opinion they look really good and are really easy plants.