I think I can offer some advice based on my recent experience with my nano tank.
Your algae looks like brown diatoms. My 25 litre nano tank (just a tiny bit smaller than yours!) also went through a period of brown diatoms, although mine was more of a 'cotton wool' type algae. The advice I received was to reduce my light period (from 10 hours down to 6 hours) and I also stopped dosing ammonia (I thought it was necessary to keep my filter bacteria alive because there were no fish at that time). I continued with 50% water changes every 2 or 3 days and increased my CO2 level (although obviously I had to reduce it again once I put fish in).
Several people said that my tank would mature and the brown algae would go away, and they were right. Now, just a few weeks later, the brown cotton wool algae has decided to pack its bags and leave. There's not a trace of it anywhere. In fact I haven't really got any algae at all, apart from one or two tiny bits of green spot algae, which I think is probably normal. So the advice I received was good - I recommend you do the same sort of things that I did.
Your lighting period is also very long. I would reduce to about 6 hours, like I did. You can increase the period gradually once your plants start to get more established. I would also do 50% water changes every 2 or 3 days, like I did. This will help to eliminate any small ammonia spikes you might be getting - even if your test kit is showing zero, there might be some ammonia that the algae is making use of. Continue with the carbon dosing and the fertiliser dosing - that won't do any harm and might help to reduce the algae.
Once your plants are established, and if your tank is heavily planted, you might consider increasing to full EI dosage eventually. I am not dosing EI, but I am using TNC Complete and following the advice to dose three times a week to give an approximation of EI. Actually I'm adding a 50% dose every day, which I find easier to remember and will give a more even level of nutrient. Since I started doing this, I certainly haven't seen an increase in algae - it has actually reduced.
The type of algae you've got is just the right sort for various algae-eating fish to eat. You could try adding some otocinclus, and they will clean it up. They'll probably need feeding on algae wafers once they've got rid of the algae though.