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New project


29 Jan 2016
Hey folks

Managed to get a 3x1.5x1.5ft tank for free so I'll be starting a new project soon. It's a bit of a mess so I'll need to break it down, clean and reseal. Think I'll use my current tank as a quarantine tank.

I'm thinking about trying an aquascape and I LOVE the following, I like the jagged almost mountainous look to them




So, is it essential to use co2 for the low lying plants?? Planning on using led floodlights for lighting.

Bottom of the tank is in a bad way...looks like I'll need to replace that at least 🙁
I've managed to dismantle the tank


I'll buy a new bottom pane but some of the other look a bit raged around the edges..are these still OK to use??


Given the cost to all things should this tank fail (even a slow leak can cause considerable damage before it's discovered), I'd be inclined to search out a tank in better condition - new or used
- note that if tank has been used to house reptiles, it's recommended to redo all silicon seals ... while you're costing out new glass for the bottom, why not look at costs for building a complete tank from components (though again unless you have access to clamps etc, you can likely buy a standing tank for less)

Those inspiration tanks you've linked are all high tech, (& I'll wager) meticulous maintenance type scapes.
If you want to do a non CO2 version, I suspect you'll need to go with slow growing "easy" plants ...
- look at crypts for the "carpet", E parvula, possibly M 'Monte Carlo' if you're willing to use CO2 to get this established & then taper off, do some reading on mosses (I think there are old discussion threads on this), E tenellus, S subulata, Vallisneria sp
- for livestock, focus on a comprehensive cleaning crew (various shrimp species, otos, snails) & select fish that won't intimidate/hinder your shrimps
I've already taken the tank apart so I think I'll use the front of back panel to fashion 2 new side panels then buy in a new bottom and a new bit for the front for better viewing.
I just love the look of them. I'm going to try and source suitable boulders/rocks from local rivers or seaside and create a kind of raged mountain look. This will be a longer term project so undecided on co2 but prob give it a miss at the moment. Effective use of various mosses me thinks!
Like the look of coral or Phoenix moss as a carpet
For anyone that keeps cichlids, will my 3ft tank be too small? Can't decide on what fish/set up I want with this tank