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New Planted Project


2 Mar 2014
Hello all...

I have got a 300l tank. 43 Inches in Length and 23 and a half Inches in Height in awaiting to be filled, with fish as well, as plants..I just want to say that my knowledge in aquarium plants is pretty much to slim. Even though I have been browsing on this forum, soaking up as much as I can. I still think that I can pick at a few other brains out there, that will set me right.

My intentions is to have a Low-Tech tank, with non' CO2.
Now for recommendations..
Substrate? Brand, etc
Lighting - I was thinking, 1 Plant Pro T5 Lamp Arcadia & 1 Arcadia Freshwater Pro T5 Lamp 39w
Is "Seachem Flourish Excel" A good sauce?

A hand full of plants that I have in mind, are...
Micranthemum umbrosum
Eleocharis parvula
Ludwigia Repens
Ceratophyllum demersum
Echinodorus red flamed
Cyperus helferi...
Any other plants that you guys can think of, would be great.

If, I have missed something that I will need, can you guys add it to the list
I appreciate it 🙂
Nice big tank!

Btw if you add liquid carbon it's technically no longer lo tech :banhappy:

Hello and welcome,

you might think about soil substrate... It is not like you desperately need it. It's about every little helps. There are very cheap soils out there for like £3 / 20l.
You can read many posts on this forum simile to yours (bigger tank with low tech) from Tom or Darren.

Anyway good luck with your new setup 🙂

you might think about soil substrate... It is not like you desperately need it. It's about every little helps. There are very cheap soils out there for like £3 / 20l.
You can read many posts on this forum simile to yours (bigger tank with low tech) from Tom or Darren.

John Innes #3 is widely used and available cheaply and cat litter is also a favourite 😀
This is certainly something to think about, now lol. Out of interest, would the soil leak Tannins into the water? Also, if I did go the soil route...Would I benefit by adding Seachem Flourite (RED) along the top of the soil?

Thanks guys..I'm noting everything down. This is a great help.
Seachem Flourite (RED) along the top of the soil?

sounds a bit expensive to be honest ... you can just cover it with gravel / sand whotever you prefer or if you want to upgreade it a bit you can cap it with 1 LITRE BONSAI SOIL - MOLAR CLAY which is much cheaper but again you have a big tank so I think is just waste. However it is all up to you.

Honestly the tank which I have now is the first soil substarte I have had and I will never setup tank withoud it anymore ... . It is such a huge difference seriosly... .
I have John Innes number 3 in it, however I do not recomended this soil for first time as It can kick your KH (lots of limestone in it) to the sky like it did it in my tank 😛

some other options are pond soils like Verve Aquatic Compost 20L, 0000003718216 or Original & genuine AQUA SOIL formulated for your pond plants (20 Litres) | eBay (if you can not get the two above) ...

Out of interest, would the soil leak Tannins into the water?

I am not sure about this so I will not answer I am sure some one will help you. However you should read few guides on this forum before you start with the soil as there are few thinks to follow. I am sure soil give you some amonia / NO3 spikes for the first few weeks and so on ... .

sorry about the EN

Is there any other type of soil that will not leak ammonia. Nor' raise the PH.

One other beginners question regarding planting..When it's time to actually root the plant, how far down would I have to dig? I'm planning on using tongs. For example..If I have an inch and a half, maybe two of sand on-top of the soil..Would I have to go all the way down to were the soil is located? Or ease the root easily into the sand itself? Even though a particular plant, may just have small roots.

Thanks again guys.
I do not think there is a soil which do not make ammonia / NO3 spikes for the first few weeks... If you plant heavy (what you should with soil substrate anyway) your plants will consume both ammonia and NO3 quick.
I also recommend some stem plants and floating plants not only for this purpose but for many more. If you do not want to dose anything look on Darren threat how he using floating plants as indicator for feeding his plants.
The two soils in my last post should not mess with your PH as they are pound soils. Also they should not leak so much staff to water as well. If you will not able to find any good pound soil just take picture of whatever you want to buy and we can help you.

There are many threats here what to buy and how to do it. It is not a rocket science if you did some reading 🙂

About planting is hard to say as it depends on the type of the plants. As a general rule you can say the roots shall be in the substrate.
Also there are some threats on this forum about planting / trimming plants as well as many great videos on YouTube. Just use How to plant *name of the plant* .

I do not think there is a soil which do not make ammonia / NO3 spikes for the first few weeks... If you plant heavy (what you should with soil substrate anyway) your plants will consume both ammonia and NO3 quick.
I also recommend some stem plants and floating plants not only for this purpose but for many more. If you do not want to dose anything look on Darren threat how he using floating plants as indicator for feeding his plants.
The two soils in my last post should not mess with your PH as they are pound soils. Also they should not leak so much staff to water as well. If you will not able to find any good pound soil just take picture of whatever you want to buy and we can help you.

There are many threats here what to buy and how to do it. It is not a rocket science if you did some reading 🙂

About planting is hard to say as it depends on the type of the plants. As a general rule you can say the roots shall be in the substrate.
Also there are some threats on this forum about planting / trimming plants as well as many great videos on YouTube. Just use How to plant *name of the plant* .


Great stuff, Vazkez..I' am taking everything on board *Two thumbs up"

I'm coming to the end of my cycle and I am looking to what plants is best suited to my needs. I went with black sand, this time around. This is exciting for me. This will be my first ever Live Plant/Fish aquarium. Would it still be safe to add osmocote in gel capsules underneath the sand?

Thanks guys.