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New Planted Aquarium


28 Nov 2016
Hi guys,

I am new to the forum and am looking for a little advice.

I will be starting a project on a 125l planted aquarium in due course with one of my intentions being to keep a school of corys.

My first question therefore is what would be the most appropriate sand substrate which will cater both for the plants and corys?

I am conscious of damaging the underbelly/barbs of the corys with a substrate that is perhaps too coarse.

My plan is for the hardscape to be made up of predominantly Sumatra Driftwood with some pebbles/rocks and plant wise, I will likely go with the following.

- Vallisneria or Cyperus helferi for the background;
- Cryptocoryne wendtii from the mid to front reaches; and
- perhaps some Java Fern/Anubias situated on parts of the driftwood.

Budget wise, I am easy and appreciate that it may be that little more expensive in order to get the balance right.

Any tips or advice that anybody can offer would be much appreciated.

Many thanks
Interesting question..as I'm planning something similar.
So far,I'm thinking..tropica growth substrate,capped with sand.
I was thinking the same thing about the tropica growth powder tbh but cannot decide on what type of sand to top it off with.

I quite like the idea of black sand but have read mixed reviews on the more popular products available.

If I were to go for something like play sand to top it off however, I'm concerned that the less dense sand will eventually displace the under-substrate.