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New Paludarium type tank, superfish planty 25


15 Feb 2016
Check this out guys:


New paludarium type tank, with waterfall and space for plants etc. Perhaps a little pricy, perhaps not but this is intriguing, i'll be following this one closely to see how people get on with it!

Very keen on paludarium type tanks, the transition from land to water is a very cool (not new) concept, but this is the first type of set-up I've really came across that accommodates. Looks quite simplistic, and only offers 12 litres of water, but it looks cool nonetheless.
I'm not sure how new that is as I remember seeing something that looked the same from them a few years ago at aqua live. A lfs had one running and it made me laugh that they took plants from the indoor plant section that were £1 or so, placed them in the the waterfall part and started charging £3.50 for it. Think they turned it into a shrimp tank which looked quite good. Be nice to see what someone with real inguinuity could do with one.
I'm not sure how new that is as I remember seeing something that looked the same from them a few years ago at aqua live. A lfs had one running and it made me laugh that they took plants from the indoor plant section that were £1 or so, placed them in the the waterfall part and started charging £3.50 for it. Think they turned it into a shrimp tank which looked quite good. Be nice to see what someone with real inguinuity could do with one.

I'm tempted by it, I reckon some neocaridina might do ok; but the price is a sticking point
1.5 watt LED lighting won't grow much - even without water interference 😉