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New Hard Scape Tank


13 Dec 2017
Hi, brand new to this. Just starting my first tank and wanted some feedback and advise on our new tank. Any constructive feedback welcome 🙂2672c1d72ac20b348d99df4bd8ff0594.jpg

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Jonny, for a beginner you are doing well!

Use instagram for inspiration and dont hesitate to straight out copy a scape. Its a great way to learn.

What plants are going to use? I suggest dwarf hair grass.
Jonny, for a beginner you are doing well!

Use instagram for inspiration and dont hesitate to straight out copy a scape. Its a great way to learn.

What plants are going to use? I suggest dwarf hair grass.
Hi, Thank you, yes I've ordered;
Eleocharis sp. 'mini' Tropica 1-2-Grow x10
Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' Tropica 1-2-Grow x7
Cryptocoryne beckettii 'petchii' x4

To arrive once I've picked my final layout and cycled the tank with the new soil.
Might add some branches more soil and bigger rocks before hand.

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I would increase the slope from the corner and get some branches across from the left corner towards the right

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I would increase the slope from the corner and get some branches across from the left corner towards the right

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Definitely - this will increase the surface area to plant also.
I've added extra soil to bank up into the corner and added further rocks. Happy with how it looks added water now. Excited to add the plants in the New Year.258686aebdcf143653b38fde5cd7e0d6.jpg

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