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new fish and co2

a rix

2 May 2015
Hi guys i hope you can help me my planted aquarium has been running for a month now iam injecting co2 via a inline defuser. Drop checker colour is a transparent light green the tank is a rio 180. I am now wanting to add my first fish stock of around 15/20 cardinal tetras . What is the best way of doing this as i dont want to overdose the fish on co2 but dont want the plants to suffer either. Would really appreciate help regarding this matter.
many thanks Anthony rix
Regarding the the age of the tank the plants have been in for a month the tank itself has been running since 1st December last year ive been cycling it for a long time due to using ada amazonia soil. Been tested every week and all parameters are good.
Regarding the co2 would you say a slow increase over a week would be ok
Regarding the co2 would you say a slow increase over a week would be ok

Yes, increase slowly and observe the fish. Different species of fish have different tolerance of co2 concentration.
Just watch them, if you make a mistake they'd be gasping and really stressed. But if the stress is too much, whatever it is caused by, they can develop diseases down the road. No one likes that because when it happens, it lasts for months. That's if one doesn't kill them with a co2 overdose in the mean time.

3 months sounds ok, but keep in mind that your tank is cycled only to the bioload it deals with right now. 20 small enough fish at once in a heavily planted tank with some extra water changes will be ok but expect some algae, the least diatoms, after the addition of extra bioload.
3 months sounds ok, but keep in mind that your tank is cycled only to the bioload it deals with right now. 20 small enough fish at once in a heavily planted tank with some extra water changes will be ok but expect some algae, the least diatoms, after the addition of extra bioload.

Yes i had considered that and was thinking of buying some seachem stability to help
15/20 cardinal tetras
bioload increase rather depends on fish size - small juveniles are very different than adult (possibly very large if farmed complete with hormones 🙁)

I don't bother with Stability or similar, just water changes ... daily water changes of 25% are always a good thing when fish are adapting to new environment - if you want to invest in something, pick up Seachem's Ammonia Alert

If you reduce lighting, then CO2 demand also lessens, so that balances plants - fish also much prefer dim lighting when placed in new surroundings.
Feed sparingly for the first few days, note activity level as CO2 increases, fish will adjust behaviour to CO2 levels rather quickly, but actual biochemical adaptation occurs over a couple weeks.
Also note that slightly cooler temperatures will allow for more oxygen to be dissolved in water (planted tanks may also experience super saturation levels of oxygen in water column)
- from Seriously Fish P axelrodi profile
Temperature: 23 – 29 °C
If you reduce lighting, then CO2 demand also lessens, so that balances plants - fish also much prefer dim lighting when placed in new surroundings.
Feed sparingly for the first few days, note activity level as CO2 increases, fish will adjust behaviour to CO2 levels rather quickly, but actual biochemical adaptation occurs over a couple weeks.

Hadn't thought about lighting. My lighting is 2x juwel highlite day running for 6 hours at the moment.
I was advised to feed every other day for the first week