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New dirt tank set up help?


8 Feb 2015
Hi there, I would like to take my first attempt at a dirted tank so want to make sure I do all the right steps.

This is for a 200l tank approx 110cm x 40cm base dimensions. I would like to use John Innes no 3. substrate topped off with pool filter sand.

These are the steps I've worked out and have some questions to go with them (in brackets)

1. Put down around 1cm John Innes no 3 (do I need more is this ok? Should I rinse it first?)
2. Sprinkle on some Osmocote granules (mix them into the soil? How much/what area?)
3. Put down a soil retainer cover/fine mesh (see below, do I need this?)
4. Put down hardscape. Rocks and bogwood (push down the retainer where they sit? or do this earlier and cut around them?)
5. Put down pool filter sand cap (what depth??)

I have Malaysian Trumpet Snails which I want to bring in hence part 3. I don't know if they would dig down into the soil layer and disturb it? Do I really need it? What depth should the sand be anyway? (for plants and so the snails don't dig all the way down into the soil?)

After the above is done fill part way up and put in plants, then fill the rest of the way.

Have I missed something? Any further tips'n'tricks?

The hardscape and filter will be moving from an established tank so I should get a kick start on cycling the tank. Should I just take water from old tank and put it in? When could I move livestock in?

I am also planning to put in pressurised CO2 with liquid fert dosing. How frequently should I do water changes to begin with?
1. JI3 leaches calcium into the water, not really an issue unless you have sensitive fish you're trying to breed, you're plants will like it the calcium but you can get lime free organic top soil as well. 1cm to 2cm is perfect.
2. Don't know about these. Soil has more then enough minerals in it to last 6-12 months.
3. Sure if you want, some swear by a fine mesh but I don't bother.
4. I put the cap in first unless you're put in some really big pieces.
5. About 1-2cm deep, make sure you wash it a lot.

6, The snails won't do much in the way of disturbing stuff. Large grain stones or wood chips will naturally come to the top of the cap over a couple of months. You can't do anything to stop this other then take them out. I leave them in gives it a nice natural look.
7. I usually fill the tank half way, drain, fill drain, fill until the water is clear. OR you can use active carbon to get the last of the dust from the water.
8. Plant heavy throw in some floating plants and you can stock up light right away. I stock heavy after a rescape but have a mature canister filter.
9. Yes you'll need to EI dose or similar with CO2 the dirt is just a buffer.
10. Water change big and often for at least the first month. 50-80% daily for the first week filling up slowly if you have fish in the tank. 50% every other day for the next two weeks then 2-3 times in the last week. If you're EI dosing and CO2 injecting then a 50% minimum water change a week. Hell do a 50% water change a week even if you're going low tech.

Good luck
Perfect, thanks. I have a mature filter that could be used to help seed the new one.