Mihai Varban
Hello everyone!
My name is Mihai (Romanian for Michael or whathaveyou) and I live in London. I have a 71L Ciano tank that my partner got me for my birthday in July after she heard I used to keep fish as a child. Decided to go for the planted tank approach since I like the idea of having a complex ecosystem and I find the way everything interacts with everything beautiful.
Been reading into things, been getting stuff for the hobby each paycheck and now things are rather stable. I do however still have some GSA I'm looking to get rid of so was thinking of going the high phosphate approach, as described by cegc and others.
I have Easy Life Kalium and Fosfo being delivered today. Any dosing info? Can I get better supplements somewhere else?
Sorry if I'm breaking any forum rules by posting questions here.
Tank specs:
Ciano 80 71L - 60L actual water.
JBL Proscape plant soil 9L
Ciano CF 80 filter with sponge, floss, biohome and substratPro
Eheim Biopower 200 with same as above (new addition so they're running together for now)
Eheim Jager 125watt heater
Ciano60 plant light LED
Ciano60 white light LED
4 white and blue LED lights of the el-cheapo chinese variety.
Photoperiod 5-4-5 siesta method (5on 4off 5on)
Dosing: 1.7ml of EasyLife carbo per day with Eheim Liquid Doser
5-6 EasyLife Profito
Crypts, anubias, bucephalandras, hairgrass, s.repens, bacopa, elodea, java fern&moss, amazon frogbit and a bit of montecarlo.
6 black neons, 6 hatchetfish(marbled) 5 corys, 2 dwarf gouramis, 6 nerites, 12 amanos, dozens of effin bladder snails.
My name is Mihai (Romanian for Michael or whathaveyou) and I live in London. I have a 71L Ciano tank that my partner got me for my birthday in July after she heard I used to keep fish as a child. Decided to go for the planted tank approach since I like the idea of having a complex ecosystem and I find the way everything interacts with everything beautiful.
Been reading into things, been getting stuff for the hobby each paycheck and now things are rather stable. I do however still have some GSA I'm looking to get rid of so was thinking of going the high phosphate approach, as described by cegc and others.
I have Easy Life Kalium and Fosfo being delivered today. Any dosing info? Can I get better supplements somewhere else?
Sorry if I'm breaking any forum rules by posting questions here.
Tank specs:
Ciano 80 71L - 60L actual water.
JBL Proscape plant soil 9L
Ciano CF 80 filter with sponge, floss, biohome and substratPro
Eheim Biopower 200 with same as above (new addition so they're running together for now)
Eheim Jager 125watt heater
Ciano60 plant light LED
Ciano60 white light LED
4 white and blue LED lights of the el-cheapo chinese variety.
Photoperiod 5-4-5 siesta method (5on 4off 5on)
Dosing: 1.7ml of EasyLife carbo per day with Eheim Liquid Doser
5-6 EasyLife Profito
Crypts, anubias, bucephalandras, hairgrass, s.repens, bacopa, elodea, java fern&moss, amazon frogbit and a bit of montecarlo.
6 black neons, 6 hatchetfish(marbled) 5 corys, 2 dwarf gouramis, 6 nerites, 12 amanos, dozens of effin bladder snails.