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New Beginning (65cm x 40cm x 45cm)


7 Apr 2010
After losing interest in my tank due to never really being happy with the layout I decided to start my tank from the beginning. As with most hobbies I'm hoping that i have learnt from all of my mistakes last time. I'm also aiming for a slightly tank that will be lower maintanence.

I'm a little late creating this journal as actually did this last weekend...


NA Tank 65x40x45 with NA Cabinet
ADA Solar 1 Light
ADA Super Jet Filter ES-600

I was at a local Bonsai Nursery a few weeks back and noticed they had Akadama for sale, so picked up this for £14 and will follow the method suggested by James C.

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After about 3 hours of dismantling my old tank, catching fish and the Amano Shrimp (I had more of than I thought) and cleaning I was ready to start

As mentioned above I followed James C guide for an Akadama substrate, I got the spagnum moss peat from a local nursery as well as the miracle grow tabs. Very easy to work with and was able to quickly get my layout arranged.

Tank was filled with RO water (excuse the bad photo was taken on my phone) I know the moss balls look bad there and will be moved just needed to put them somewhere as I haven't decided if I'm going to keep them.

The fern on the right was in bad condition form the old tank so I'm hoping it will do better now that I have re-organised.


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So a week of horrible weather but great for rain water gathering whilst I do daily water changes, tank is doing well and fish / shrimp seem happy. I'm keeping the light to 5 hours per day and have also decided to keep the moss balls but have re-arranged them.

Next job is to get some backing paper up I have blocked light on the right side for now as I get a lot of sun from the patio doors coming through there. I also need to clean the stainless steel pipe, any suggestions on the best way to do this ? Was going to use wire wool.

My fern has also started to improve greatly which I'm pleased about.

Fittonia is sold in many pet shops as an aquarium plant but it is not. I heard the rumour online so I tried it myself a while back.

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Thanks chaps Looks like you are right as its already dropping leaves...my wife said it was ugly as well.