It rather is a strange subject with lots of controveries, people preserve and distroy at the same time.. Act like they stand above mother nature and think she wont make it without his meddling.. Except if she has to move for our benefit, then suddenly preservation gets another twist. Tho some preservation groups managed to bankrupt a complete newly planed international (Dutch/German) industrial building park in the make near my place because of preserving an endangered wild hamsters habitat living there. Which was rather a unique happening, never heard of something like that again. I guess only something for the western world, in lesser developed areas they would have distroyed it without remorse.
I thought it was a good thing that this happened all tho it did cost the region and huge economical dent and 1000nds of potential workstations got lost with it.
Actualy as long as humans (and animals) are roaming the planet, different sp. of plants and other animals traveled with them, long before the idea of preservation was invented. In all cases one sp. had to make place for the other and probably changed the invironment completely, nobody knows because nobody noticed nor recorded it. It was mother nature way of dealing with things.. Imagine how many native european fish and insect sp. had to make place with the carps and houseflies and who knows what more introduction by the Romans. We do not know, carp is already considered a native european fish as is the housefly. We are still here the carp is still here and the fly also, nothing much else happend, it is wath it is, what goes around comes around.. North america was a few centuries later already developed a legion preservatinists and if you catch a carp there it's considered a crime if you don't kill it. Distroy this to preserve that. It's wath the rabbit, sheap, cat, dog, housefly and camel did in Australia. The rat on some pacific islands.. Just to mention a few..
There is one thing on this planet we just can't distroy, how hard we even try and how much we care in the same time.. But mother nature will definitely survive us and go her own way just addapting and changing as she pleases..