Hi everyone!
This is my first post on this forum so forgive me if I've screwed anything up.
I've had my new aquarium for 4 months, it's a 240 litre upgrade from my previous 130. (Previous tank was internally filtered, 2 x T8 lit, gravel substrate, overstocked, planted and sporadically dosed with EI dosing) my plants did very well indeed. The new aquarium is supposed to be an all round improvement in all aspects but my plants just are not growing. I've transferred a Cryptocoryne and Vallisneria offshoot from the old tank both which previously grew fast and lush, some unknown plants from my lfs and ordered some low tech plants from aquaessentials including Ludwigia Repens, Water Wisteria, Lobelia Cardinalis and Staurogyne Repens.
The Wisteria initially grew a bit leggy and the lower leaves died back so I trimmed it and replanted not it's not growing at all and even melting. The Ludwigia hasn't moved, the leaves have curled and grown algae and the worst ones I trimmed off. The Crypt has only produced 1 new leaf in 4 months, the Val hasn't done anything. The Staurogynes top leaves have disintegrated and looks like it's trying to grow new shoots lower down. Of the unknown lfs plants I got 3 melted away and the remaining 2 have not grown one bit.
My new tank is 240 litre
2 x 20W LED floodlights (8 hour photoperiod)
Fluval 306 canister filter with Biohome plus media
1600lph circulation pump
Manado substrate
EI dosing KH2PO4, MgSO4 and chelated trace Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Cu, Mo. Flourish Excel.
Fish: 2 large Plecos (plus about 25 tiny offspring) 1 large clown loach, 6 Danios, 6 Tetras, 4 guppys, one Otto, 3 amano shrimp and a colony of cherry shrimp. Oh and 1 Nerite snail
Weekly 50% water change
I don't have any test kits but I don't see why I should really need to get any at this point when I just want some basic plant growth.
I have some theories as to my problem, firstly is this Calcium deficiency? Secondly is the Manado substrate with it's CEC stripping my fertilisers out of the water column? Lastly is the Biohome filter media stripping too much nitrate out of the water?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
I'll try and add some pics here:
This is my first post on this forum so forgive me if I've screwed anything up.
I've had my new aquarium for 4 months, it's a 240 litre upgrade from my previous 130. (Previous tank was internally filtered, 2 x T8 lit, gravel substrate, overstocked, planted and sporadically dosed with EI dosing) my plants did very well indeed. The new aquarium is supposed to be an all round improvement in all aspects but my plants just are not growing. I've transferred a Cryptocoryne and Vallisneria offshoot from the old tank both which previously grew fast and lush, some unknown plants from my lfs and ordered some low tech plants from aquaessentials including Ludwigia Repens, Water Wisteria, Lobelia Cardinalis and Staurogyne Repens.
The Wisteria initially grew a bit leggy and the lower leaves died back so I trimmed it and replanted not it's not growing at all and even melting. The Ludwigia hasn't moved, the leaves have curled and grown algae and the worst ones I trimmed off. The Crypt has only produced 1 new leaf in 4 months, the Val hasn't done anything. The Staurogynes top leaves have disintegrated and looks like it's trying to grow new shoots lower down. Of the unknown lfs plants I got 3 melted away and the remaining 2 have not grown one bit.
My new tank is 240 litre
2 x 20W LED floodlights (8 hour photoperiod)
Fluval 306 canister filter with Biohome plus media
1600lph circulation pump
Manado substrate
EI dosing KH2PO4, MgSO4 and chelated trace Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Cu, Mo. Flourish Excel.
Fish: 2 large Plecos (plus about 25 tiny offspring) 1 large clown loach, 6 Danios, 6 Tetras, 4 guppys, one Otto, 3 amano shrimp and a colony of cherry shrimp. Oh and 1 Nerite snail
Weekly 50% water change
I don't have any test kits but I don't see why I should really need to get any at this point when I just want some basic plant growth.
I have some theories as to my problem, firstly is this Calcium deficiency? Secondly is the Manado substrate with it's CEC stripping my fertilisers out of the water column? Lastly is the Biohome filter media stripping too much nitrate out of the water?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
I'll try and add some pics here: