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New aquarium layout


16 Aug 2013
Hey there,

I need your honest feedback and constructive criticism on my new scape.

I really appreciate honest feedback to help me improve on the layout as I don't have a great eye for detail and not artistics by any means.😵

I plan to use e. Tenellus at the back and may be hairgrass at the front as i need easy plants to work.🙁

Please, please be polite..but honest feedback..

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I like that a lot mate, constructive criticism, remove the lava stone rear left, And use the natural pool at the front left 1/3 for a nice light sand foreground add some moss to the crevices the lava creates and maybe wedge in some anubias petite here and there for texture (I can send a few bits for a donation) and I think with the hair grass (not so easy IMO you could use Monte Carlo) and tennelus you'll have a lovely looking scape.
Thanks Tim.. good feedback. Yeah the stone on the rear left was the last one I added. Plan to use e tenellus as i have it left over from my previous set up. Im not the best with plants so i thought id go with easier ones. Will try monte carlo.. appreciate the feedback Tim. Thanx for taking the time mate.:thumbup:
the main rock has a tilt right to left. This is ok, but remember lots of people read (process info) left to right. imo is easier to create flow with left to right tilts.

That said, which ever way you decide to tilt the main rock i think the back left rock should be tilting in the same direction.
Thanx Greenfinger2

Dantrasy: I am intrigued 🙂
I have always noticed negative (empty) aquarium spaces towards the right in most aquascapes. You may have answered my doubts. Thanx mate.
Hi UKAPS gurus!

So a quick update on my tank and another question🙂..Why are my plants losing their nice green colour? You can see the new DHG (bright green) just planted Vs. the rest of the plants done about 2 weeks ago from my earlier tank not so green.

I EI dose from co2art
Inject co2 from a sodastream cylinder and use the aqualantis light which has the power of 2 T5HO bulbs.
Most of the plants pearl too
What defenciency do you think the plants have?😵
Haven't performed any readings on the water. No fish in there till now. What checks can I do?
