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New 40m Amano Tank

The tank is amaizing, but it needs more time to get, perfect.. Maybe a year. In this early stages ir doesn't look natural. The fish selection can also be improbed, is a huge tank for thpse tinu fish, the small fish are okay, but bigger fish will suit that tank better and make the already there small fish to school beautifuly. Maybe they're waiting for the aquatic plants to grow more, before they add more fish. A nice 50 or 100 wild discus, altums or both schools will look stunning there!!
I don't think they can introduce all the fish they want in day one, you guys are reading too much into it at this early stage 😉 only thing I wish is that it was in London and not Lisbon! lol
Wow this is going to be so cool to see evolve over the coming years, the parting
shots are amazing the scale of the tank is out there..... white sand for life
I don't think they can introduce all the fish they want in day one, you guys are reading too much into it at this early stage.....

I was marvelling at their restraint fishwise. I'd have jammed a million billion gazillion fish in there 😀 ut yes it's early days for fish and plants.

Btw do you have cycle, in the traditional way, a tank that large with what must be over a ton of plant matter?
Now what I want to see is a biotope done on that scale, but with aesthetics in mind, then you'd really see some natural fish behaviour.
Now what I want to see is a biotope done on that scale, but with aesthetics in mind, then you'd really see some natural fish behaviour.

Well you never know, they're calling it a temporary exhibit so something as you suggest could be done to replace the Amano scape in time which I agree would be really stunning as well.
I guess maintaining it at the level Amano expects and wants is to expensive for the aquarium. Thus taking it down and making something else (maybe reusing some of the stuff that is in there now, if Amano doesn't want to sell it) will be more feasible for the institution and won't "harm" the Amano brand. If it went"south" and still had his name on it it would be detrimental to his brandname.
Wow it's evolving beautifuly, echinodorus plants look awesome in there, with plenty space!!! And the schoal of fish is simply stunning. I need to visit Portugal, but... I wat to visit the tank in its first aniversary.
Was there last Wednesday, WOW no words can define it, you must really visit to appreciate the scale of the nature scape, truly amazing to see these plants grow to these levels and how well maintained it is.


Will post some photos once I have sorted it out of the camera and also made some videos, see how those come out.

If you can visit soon, its at its peak a true masterpiece. 🙂 🙂 what you see on the photo is the first 5 meters of it! 🙂