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New 40m Amano Tank

At the end of the last video it says "New Temporary Exhibition" I wonder what they mean by that!
Thanks for taking the time to post here Pedro. I feel a Portuguese holiday coming on!

Scratch that. Just looked at the map. It's so close to the airport, I feel a day trip coming on 😎

About £100 return......:wave:
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Bem vindos Pedro 🙂

Mine is already booked for July, but might be tempted to go there earlier 😉
Thanks for taking the time to post here Pedro. I feel a Portuguese holiday coming on!

Scratch that. Just looked at the map. It's so close to the airport, I feel a day trip coming on 😎

About £100 return......:wave:
Yes James, it's very close to the airport, ~10 min by subway...but, if you can, come at least for a weekend so that you can also enjoy the city Maybe we can have a beer together

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