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New 150cm Tank...


19 Aug 2010
Taunton, Somerset, England
Hi Guys...

Going to set up a new tank in the Kitchen :thumbup: This will be my second planted tank in the house...

I will keep you posted with Photo's as we go..

The photos below are the tank put in place...


My equipment list is going to be:

Two JBL 1500e Filters
Aquamas CO2 reactor for 1000 litre tank
4* 54Watt T5 HO..T5 Fluorescent Tube 54W 880 Skywhite Osram 54 Watt * 2 off and T5 Fluorescent Tube 54W Grolux Sylvania 54 Watt 1off and T5 Fluorescent Tube 54W 965 Philips 54 Watt 1off
300Watt Heater..
4000Lt Power head
JBD AquaBase and JBL Manado and sharp Sand...
Under Gravel Heater Cable JBL 4 Meter
JBL CO2 Gas Bottle and Regulator.
6kg C02 Pub Bottle..

Hi Guys,

Water volume is:
Aquarium Size is 88.12 US Gallons
Aquarium Size is 73.40 UK Gallons

With the lights I have gone for should get about 2.45 Watts per US Gallon... Please let me know what you think about my light chose and wattage... :crazy:

Am going to run these with gul wing refectors and fix them about 2 to 3 inches above the water suface.. 8)

I am on the look out for planting tips and what sort of plants to use... May put my discus in here?
Franko44 said:
Yes mate, the wife likes the wine rank, so i had to have it... going to be a bit heavey with 16 bottles in it... lol

does your wife know yet, that the wine rack will be filled with bottles of ferts and excel etc :twisted:
Hi FoxFish...

She is the best mate... Same as JamesC used in his Planeted Tank Website Tank setup..

4 * T5 HO 54 Watt in total.
Will give me 216 Watt of light for about 8 hours a day... was think of doing C02 on about two hours before lights, then bring on 2 of the T5 for about an hour, then all four for about five hours then just 2 again for the last hour.. to start with, Co2 off with last lights till next day...

Going to run the two JBL 1500e on spraybars, with uptakes each end of the tank and spraybars across the back, add a small power head to move the water a bit more, should give me a flow rate of about 12 to 15 times tank volume per hour... I think the tank is to large to go end to end with the flow..

Work on my plant layout tonight and over the weekend... Can not wait....

All input welcome... :thumbup:
Arr OK - I have made & used similar reactors, I found they actually needed to be quite long to get the best results!
I still dont think you need to bother with a heating cable & you might well get algae problems with four tubes?
Lovely tank though 🙂
I am a fan of external diffusers, they do produce a very fine mist (very helpful to see exactly how good you Co2 distribution actually is) but, work extremely well.
I also like to use baked clay substrates, perhaps not the most attractive but, again very effective (& cheap)
I guesse with the planting you will first have to decide if you are going to use any hard scape materials like rock or wood or just plants?
Hi Guys...

This is my Plant list to start with:

Rotala Macandra
Cyperus helferi
Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'Cuba'
Limnophila aquatica
Lobelia cardinalis
Blyxa japonica
Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Rotala rotundifolia
Rotala sp.'green'
Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'
Lilaeopsis mauritiana
Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides (maritima)

What do you guys think... :thumbup:
Franko44 said:
What do you guys think... :thumbup:
I think you have the beginnings of a lovely set up!

Discus do prefer higher temperatures which makes it tougher to keep everything in order in a densely planted tank. Higher temp = more growth, more waste, more potential algae. They need protein-rich food too. If the leftovers aren't removed quickly then this can lead to issues too. Your decor and plant list suggests to me more a jungle theme that may be suited to groups of smaller fish that require less demanding conditions.

All the best.

PS Do you really live in Englang? 😉
Hi Guys...

I am going to leave the discus out of this tank... Looking to do a shoal of cardinal tetras and otto's and freshwater shrimps and some Pygmy Cory and may be some Ram's...

Water Temp will be about 25 oC...

Real wait to get this one looking the NUTS....

PS.. Yes I do Live In England... The Best part to.... lots of Apples Down Here... :lol:
Nice to see a pukka wooden cabinet, beats MDF for durability any day. Looks like the ones MA sell.

I also use the Aquamas reactors, very good. i cant remember who recommended it to me 3 years ago...TDline? lol cant remember if that is the correct username either.

Look forward to see it develop.