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Neon Blue Rainbows with issues...


28 Dec 2022
Bristol, UK
Hi everyone.

I don't suppose anyone knows what is wrong with my Neon Blue Rainbows? Three of them seem unwell but for different reasons. I generally keep good hygiene in my tank and have few deaths - apart from the occasional jumper. Not sure whether they are fungal or parasites. One looks on his way out and isn't feeding and hangs near the surface, but I have a female with a little white spot that appears loose and flaps about a bit. And a male that is pretty swollen but doesn't look like dropsy. My other fish are all apparently happy and healthy.

Sorry, tried to get decent photos but they won't stop moving apart from one.

What treatment should I use?

Any thoughts?




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Hello - are these new fish or been in there for a while?
From the photos they look like young fish, you probably haven't had them long. Prognosis isn't great and can't pinpoint the problem unfortunately.
I'd suggest several large water changes, then treat with a multiple cure all like esha 2000.
From the photos they look like young fish, you probably haven't had them long. Prognosis isn't great and can't pinpoint the problem unfortunately.
I'd suggest several large water changes, then treat with a multiple cure all like esha 2000.
Yeah - looks a little odd and hard to diagnose.
Stab in the dark is an internal parasite with the bloating and that spot, which might be some internal worm about to break out. (I think someone on another thread had this spot thing and then worm).
This is common in Praecox rainbows, it appears to be some form of virus which appears to be untreatable and kills the fish. I tried these once and had the same thing happen, when I done some investigating I found that this was quite common with this species. They’re extremely inbred and most of the fish in the hobby are very weak unless you find a line from a proper rainbow breeder. A lot of people stay away from them for this reason as they’re prone to dying within a few months. The only good news is I don’t believe it appears to transmit to unrelated species.

Thanks, everyone. I was thinking along similar lines. I've had them for perhaps four or five months, bought from my local Maidenhead store. I do recall they had a new batch in but they could only find four females because they said the breeders tend to keep the females for breeding.

Will have a look at giving treatment a go. I do large water changes weekly, so am due today anyway.

Hopefully, like you have suggested @Conort2, it is not able to transmit to other fish. Kind of glad in a way that it is a species issue (or likely to be) and not something I've done!

Thanks again

Yeah, it's pretty awful when this happens.
Will have a look at giving treatment a go. I do large water changes weekly, so am due today anyway
I think anything you can do to maximise the health of the aquarium environment would be good - although it does not sound like a great prognosis for these fish. I certainly would NOT clean any biomedia (unless you have no flow) and increase aeration for a while. None of these are 'cures' of course, just maximising environmental health and giving the fish's immune system one thing to address.