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nelson's nano 2.......rescaped.


17 Nov 2008
just bought two of these nano's and for the first time for me going to see what you think before just doing it.it's based loosely on this http://www.restorecalifornia.net/imager ... valley.jpg

tank-AE opti white-12x10x8
filter-resun cy20...200lph
light-aquadistri 11w
substrate-colombo flora-base
hardscape-TGM blue stone

just playing around with hardscape at the moment.tell me what you think.


Re: nelson's nano 2

Hey Neil.

No 2 is doing something good on the left, but the rock to the right is quite flat. If you could fiddle with the right of it a little I think that'd be a winner for me 😀 Perhaps a combination of the right side of No 1 and the left side of No 2...

Lots of nanos being done at the moment. It's awesome 🙂
Re: nelson's nano 2

Your getting there IMHO, the last one for me looks best so far but they all have good effect for what you are trying to achieve. Maybe you could try and move the centre rock in no.4 a tad to the LHS and you could try a smaller stone in front of the rock on the RHS and see how that looks . Just my tuppence worth 🙂 keep trying until your happy though, you will be looking at it long enough once the water goes in 😀
Re: nelson's nano 2

The last scape is more like what you are aiming for. The Rocks at the very back of the tank create that look of far off mountains. You should work on that. Maybe bring the rocks at the front further forward to add more depth and distance to the far off mountains. Also, maybe bring them round to the two from corners to suggest you looking deep in the valley in the distance.

Good work.
Re: nelson's nano 2

cheers everyone.undecided on planting yet Paul.can't grow HC to save my life.though seems the obvious choice.so might try Glosso or one of the Marsilea's and possibly a stem in each front corner.i'll just keep it short.

couple more efforts.quite liking the last one.


Re: nelson's nano 2

Loving that last layout Neil
Re: nelson's nano 2

cheers everyone.not touched it today and still liking the last one so think i'm going with it.
just need some plants now.
Re: nelson's nano 2

cheers chilli 😉 .appreciate the thought 😀 .

JamesM said:
Oooh, how'd I miss this? :shock:

Looks great Neil, loving the last one :thumbup:
thanks mate.
Re: nelson's nano 2

Really like the last one, Admiral. It has a lovely feeling of depth and of the eye being drawn through from front to back. Definitely prefer it to the earlier ones - I kept on looking for the HOLLYWOOD sign! 🙂

Looking forward to the planting plan.