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needle valves


18 Apr 2013
Are needle valves on reg/solenoids a standard fit? If they are where is a decent place to purchase one?

My needle valve appears to be playing up. I have a regulator solenoid which I was running on a soda stream gas bottle setup and it was working ok.

Yesterday I started using a FE and the bubble rate seemed to fluctuate a little bit. This morning when the solenoid opened up the bps were rapid to say the least. I had to turn the needle valve right down to get an acceptable 4bps.

A while later I had to turn the needle valve up slightly as the bps had slowed down!

At the moment it appears to have stabalized at 4bps. Would this be a dodgy needle valve/regulator?
Just to add the FE pressure is 800 psi or thereabouts which is the same as the soda stream bottle was.

Just as I was about to post this I have had to adjust again.

Any suggestions please?
I think that what you have their is the difference between two different pressurised containers. The soda stream setup is lower pressure, so the needle valve would be more open. When you put it onto your FE setup it would make sense to me that you would need to dial it back. Also, it does take a while to get the BPS right. It can drop exactly like you described after an hour or so

I would play about for a few days and get it setup.
Are you sure everything is fited tightly, no leaks mate? do the soapy water check around the fittings etc, one option would be to purchase an inline needle valve and have this running after the reg with the dodgy valve on your reg open fully and therefore the gas being controlled by your new addition to the set up, they're not expensive and I believe one of the site's sponsors sells them, check out AE's web site bud.
I think that what you have their is the difference between two different pressurised containers. The soda stream setup is lower pressure, so the needle valve would be more open. When you put it onto your FE setup it would make sense to me that you would need to dial it back.
No difference in pressure. If you want liquid CO2 at room temp then it will be 55bar (800psi) regardless of what container you put it in.

Anyway the regulator reduces the 55bar to say 3bar, so even if the sodastream pressure was a different pressure (which it can't be) the output of the regulator will be 3bar regardless. The word regulator gives it away😀
Thanks all...it has stabilised over the day...I will keep a close eye on start up tomorrow. I am just concerned that if I have to manually sort it every morning I am going to get uneven co2 and as I am just starting to get on top of my BBA and as I am a bit of a worrier!! nuff said😉 May be the needle valve is not up to it...the price of getting a cheapish reg/solenoid maybe?
Are you sure everything is fited tightly, no leaks mate? do the soapy water check around the fittings etc, one option would be to purchase an inline needle valve and have this running after the reg with the dodgy valve on your reg open fully and therefore the gas being controlled by your new addition to the set up, they're not expensive and I believe one of the site's sponsors sells them, check out AE's web site bud.
Yes checked all with the soapy water. I would like to hope that it will be ok as I need to do something more about my flow and the wife hates me spending money.😉
They are out of stock at the moment. Will have another look at the end of the month....the wife may be more agreeable then.😛
I might have a spare. I bought a couple a few years back to split my CO2 between tanks, but I didn't actually end up using them. I've got them in a box somewhere. If you're interested in one, I'll dig for it 🙂
Ok let me know and I will donate...I do not have a paypal a/c will I be able to use a debit card?
Hi thanks Steve, At the moment the needle valve is playing ball and it worked ok on start up but I am not sure that I trust it anymore. Have a good night out!😉