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need ideas for a carpeting plant......


4 Jun 2008
hi im looking for ideas for a carpeting plant... i have 3 small problems regarding carpet plants...


can you tell what they are.... :lol:

i did plant glosso but as i planted i could them laughing at me.... at least they dont eat my lillys anymore ... their moto used to be "if it's red it's dead..."

i think they are related to wayne Hemingway... :lol:
Glosso in my experiance throws out the best roots, I'd suggest netting it so the loaches can't get at it till its spreading.
They're complete yobs zig, mine have uprooted my last 4 daily attempts! Mine hide by day, but the second the lights shut down they're on the prowl. Can't help, sorry, but just wanted to let you know you're not alone!!
these ones only come out after lunch time .... but in the morning before lights go on they dance like crazy up and down the glass as for snails they ony eat the bigger ones.... :evil:

i might try the net idea...!!!

any pointers... nets and fish dont really get along imo....
Use the plastic mesh stuff used for moss walls, and pin it to some slate raisers about 1inch high, but folded and pushed into the substrate.
Think like a tea tray but with holes in but deeper then push it into the substrate.
I'd do a diagram but I'm watching a film.
cheers ... if you have a link to such mesh post it for me...will this not affect the light to the gloss...my tank is 2ft deep...

what are you watching ...Finding Nemo.... :lol:
Hot Fuzz...

It would but if it was growing well before it should be okay, any mesh would be fine really, try the plastic stuff sold in garden centers as crop protectors and shape it accordingly.
Hot Fuzz is one of the best films made, along with Shaun of the Dead!
London dragon or supercoley might be able to help you with the mesh, both have used the stuff.
I suppose you like dirty dancing and pretty woman aswell 😀 they're on the same level as Hot fuzz, it's one of those films that was made just for the hell of it! 😉
sorry zig 😀
No actually I hate both of those.
Again sorry zig, we should start a films thread in off topic.
I suppose you like dirty dancing and pretty woman aswell 😀 they're on the same level as Hot fuzz, it's one of those films that was made just for the hell of it! 😉
sorry zig 😀

no i actually your "legally Blonde" type of girl.... :lol:

cant really get rid of the clowns as they were the reason i got into this fish tank malarky...!!!!

Dam Gateway Fish .....

i also have a rio de para Plec l-75 and 2 Yoyo's ....Doh..!!!!
I coudln't keep glosso in my tank until I got rid of the Clown Loaches, I did however manage to keep a nice carpet of riccia on alluminium mesh 🙂