I have done new planted tank setup two weeks ago and tank cycled fully, also introduced some fishes and planning to add more shrimps, but not happy with the plants growth. This is not my first setup, already 3feet tank running good(t5 lights), but setup like this nano tank, led light and tissue culture plants are new to me.
I have attached few pictures where the plants are melting or turning brown. Just need a help what parameters went wrong, full setup details below.
Tank dimension 30x30x30 cm
Light : Chihiros wrgb 2
Co2 : pressurized co2 (2 bubbles per second)
Soil : power sand, ADA Amazonia v2
additives: bacter 100, clear super, tourmaline bc
Fertz : Seachem pottassium, seachem excel, flourish, seachem advance
Filter : mini canister and aquaclear top filter with seachem purigen , matrix & biorio.
Plants : HCCuba, Hairgrass, reineckii mini, pinnatifida, anubias nana, staurogyne repens
Water parameters: ammonia 0ppm , nitrite 0ppm and nitrate around 10ppm
I have attached few pictures where the plants are melting or turning brown. Just need a help what parameters went wrong, full setup details below.
Tank dimension 30x30x30 cm
Light : Chihiros wrgb 2
Co2 : pressurized co2 (2 bubbles per second)
Soil : power sand, ADA Amazonia v2
additives: bacter 100, clear super, tourmaline bc
Fertz : Seachem pottassium, seachem excel, flourish, seachem advance
Filter : mini canister and aquaclear top filter with seachem purigen , matrix & biorio.
Plants : HCCuba, Hairgrass, reineckii mini, pinnatifida, anubias nana, staurogyne repens
Water parameters: ammonia 0ppm , nitrite 0ppm and nitrate around 10ppm