I have just bought,second hand,an Elitech ATC-800,its a temperature controller.Its manufactured in China and the instructions are not very clear.I will need to have two 300w heaters for my tank so I wondered if you are able to run two heaters from it,also it is not clear how you hook it up to the mains(there is no plug attached,at the back you have a row of 8 terminals,the first two-cooling,the next two-heating,the next two-NTC sensor and the final two power supply.)Any help on this would be much appreciated.
I have tried to contact the guy I bought it off,but as yet not heard anything.
I have just bought,second hand,an Elitech ATC-800,its a temperature controller.Its manufactured in China and the instructions are not very clear.I will need to have two 300w heaters for my tank so I wondered if you are able to run two heaters from it,also it is not clear how you hook it up to the mains(there is no plug attached,at the back you have a row of 8 terminals,the first two-cooling,the next two-heating,the next two-NTC sensor and the final two power supply.)Any help on this would be much appreciated.
I have tried to contact the guy I bought it off,but as yet not heard anything.