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Need Advice


16 Aug 2013
Hi guys,

My E tenellus & P helferi seem to be getting brownish(Losing green colour) If that makes sense. They were thriving until last week! Nice and green with plenty of plantlets spreading.

I havent changed anything to the tank out if the ordinary.

Co2 DC lime green.
50% weekly water change
The only thing I have changed is my EI dose. I used to use a home made mix and now switched to the Co2art EI easy solution.
The plants are still pearling like mad though.

Sorry unable to add pics as my phone clicks some really poor pics 🙁 No access to a laptop for the next few days either.
You wouldnt be able to see it clearly. But I'll try to put some up later if that'll help.

Do you reckon that I need to increase the EI dosage due to an increase in plant matter?

Any advice is appreciated.
I have had a similar issue with premixed ferts at the recommended dose.

Have recently switched to EI (this weekend) so hoping that will sort my deficiency.

Try doubling the dose, just keep on top of the water changes .
Thanks Paraguay, Edvet and Aaron..

I have attached a pic. but the quality of the image is really poor (blame the Note 4's camera 😉)so I guess you cannot see much in it! hope the file attached from dropbox though.

