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ND Aquatics Budget Tank Anyone?

They seem reasonably priced, I'm actually looking for a new tank! Whats your plans for the tank?
Well the plan is for it to be my fishes happy ever after tank. It would be more than double the water volume for my fancy goldfish and plecs. With this sort of sized tank I would probably get a couple of onion plants in some sort of vase, some more fancy's and another plec, specifically a royal panque. I know strange combo. I'm tempted to get an onion plant for their current 200L but I'm not sure if the tanks to small. I can't find the link but crinum thaianum, I've seen a picture of some guy holding the plant out of the tank and above his head, so it was something like 6-7 foot, but that was a high tech tank that I seem to remember it being in. The thing is, if me and you do buy this tank/cabinet, we still need to buy filter/heater/lighting so that mounts up. I've only really put thought into the filtration and it will be one of the high end fluval fx externals. It would help if I could see pictures of the whole tank because the website picture is pretty poor - that will help me decide what lighting I can use. What would your plans be for this monster tank?
No experience of that tank personally, but I have an ex-marine ND tank (125) and the quality of the actual tank itself is really really good. Beautifully clean and even black silicone, good quality thick and nicely beveled glass.

The cabinets - meh, they are what they are. What do you want from what is effectively chewed and glued saw dust sealed up with crappy laminate.

Which makes me laugh when they make a statement like this:

Can I have doors fitted on a budget aquarium?
No, this is why they are cheaper."

yeah i was laughing at the q&a underneath haha everything is like computer says no haha
also I any amount of lush aquariums on this website. no idea where they come from though. when I do google search etc i keep coming across fluval, juwel etc cant seem to find anything particularly special. Maybe this needs a thread ha
yeah i was laughing at the q&a underneath haha everything is like computer says no haha

Ahhhh, yeah :hilarious: Something tells me these aren't FAQ's - they are NAQ's "never asked questions".

How much exactly are these doors adding to the price then??? a 1/3??
Ahhhh, yeah :hilarious: Something tells me these aren't FAQ's - they are NAQ's "never asked questions".

How much exactly are these doors adding to the price then??? a 1/3??

there not just any doors these are bits of wood dust, bonded together with some kind of adhesive, covered in vinyl M&S doors rofl