Well this morning when i woke up to turn on the lights on in my main tank i was absolutely horrified to find my prize male Convict cichlid torn to ribbons * a big understatement* and crammed into the corner of the tank, obviously frightened and nervous
He looks like a survivor of a slasher movie *no joke*. I'm really upset to say the least, He's the first fish i ever bought and I've grown him on from the size of a five pence piece.
I've subsequently moved him from the main tank into my planted 27gal tank and dosed accordingly with salt and revitiliser tonic to give him a fighting chance of survival. I wish i could get some pics of him so you could see the massive damage but he is just way too spooked at the mo and is constantly hiding.
I've got no clue who could of done this, the only tank mates are yoyo loaches,featherfin syno,peppered corys,rainbowfish,female convict and a blue acara *probably the main suspect*.
Sorry to bring you all down with my somber story but i honestly feel like giving up the hobby as a whole if i lose him
P.s. Does anybody else get this attached to their fish :?:

He looks like a survivor of a slasher movie *no joke*. I'm really upset to say the least, He's the first fish i ever bought and I've grown him on from the size of a five pence piece.
I've subsequently moved him from the main tank into my planted 27gal tank and dosed accordingly with salt and revitiliser tonic to give him a fighting chance of survival. I wish i could get some pics of him so you could see the massive damage but he is just way too spooked at the mo and is constantly hiding.
I've got no clue who could of done this, the only tank mates are yoyo loaches,featherfin syno,peppered corys,rainbowfish,female convict and a blue acara *probably the main suspect*.
Sorry to bring you all down with my somber story but i honestly feel like giving up the hobby as a whole if i lose him

P.s. Does anybody else get this attached to their fish :?: