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Narrow leaf java fern - Latin name?

If you find anywhere holding these, I'm looking for the same 🙂
But I do think it varies alot. I purchased some 'Narrow' and what I'm really after is a much thinner leaved plant. Almost like a bunch of grass.

Best of luck


You are thinking of the "needle leaf", which is thinner than narrow, and widely used in Asia. Supercoley1 has some in a tank in his journal.

Hi Dave

Yeah thats the stuff. Any ideas where to find it? The narrow seems to be easier than this stuff to find, and neither are easy.


It's pretty rare to ship from America, Thailand is where almost all our plants come from, they tend to use USD's because they get better value for their product that way.
Germany? Holland certainly, but I don't think many come from Germany.
Most of the bunched plants and cheapo rubbish comes from Thailand with a British middle man agency simply sending stuff on the quality is often very poor as are quantities most pet shops act in this way but without the mail order element.

Aquatic magic have always been very good for me, the portions are small but once they're growing they do well, I placed a big order with them a few years back and didn't receive a single dud plant, arrived quicker than the plants I ordered from within the uk too if memory serves.
Gfish said:
Do plants coming from the states mostly arrive ok?!?

I personally have no problems buying from States/malaysia/Hong kong etc. With either dry goods or plants.

On the plant front i tend perhaps to go for the hardier ones like, crypts, java ferns and the numerous mosses.

I was initially a little hesitant taking the plunge, particulary when you see some of the horror stories on the forums.
But no regrets using them .
By the way ......dont blame me if it goes wrong.
