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Nano tank upgrade


5 Aug 2015
Going from a teeny 10l tank to a bigger but still small 25l tank. Started on the hardscape today, I boiled the wood for a couple of hours and now it's soaking in tank, so far no floating! I've added a thin layer of gravel that I'll be topping up once I get planting.

I got a superfish home 30, removed the inner filter box as I won't be using it, I'll be using my Oase filtosmart 60 and doing the heater-in-the-filter mod - one less bit of equipment in the tank! The filter is well established as it's been running on the 10l for 9ish months. I've ordered the plants, once those arrive I'll get it planted and add my shrimp & snail in! Hardscape wise I'm using some seiryu stone I already had, and some nice bits of wood.

Plants wise I've gone with
Hydrocotyle tripartita
Ranunculus inundatus
Pogostemon deccanensis
Rotatla wallichii
Bucephalandra kedagang