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Nano Tank choices


Thread starter
9 Feb 2025
Hello all, I’m contemplating expanding into a bunch of nano tanks, as I’ve always loved aquascaping and nano fish. Space is limited, but I’m aiming for around 6 to 7 tanks in varying sizes. I’ve been doing a lot of research and I’m starting close it down the following…..
TMC Aquagro Biome range, what appeals here is the hidden filter etc and everything goes into one plug, as electrics will be an issue. (Possible electrician round to put in a load of sockets) the second range is the Superfish Scaper range, these look great, I’ve heard great things about them, they come in loads of sizes, but the amount of cables could be an issue. I’d be interested to hear if anyone has any views on either of the ranges, maybe more the TMC range, as there is very little info out there on them. Cheers in advance!
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Can agree with @Aqua sobriquet, lovely little tank. Only thing I find slightly frustrating about it is the glass lid, however than can easily be replaced with something less fragile if you're not too fussed about looks.
The only issue for me with the lid is that the standard one covered the whole tank and didn’t allow room for inlet/outlet pipes.
I knew this when I bought it though and ordered the shorter Dennerle one.
These type of nano tanks in my experience aren't too good for planted set-ups.

-The filter flow kinda can't handle a low water level, which will cause the filter to make dry start noises.
-The filter compartment also kinda sucks, it depends on gravity in-flow instead of mechanical suction. (Like canister will FORCE water through the media even if its clogged, producing extremely clear water.)
-The lighting on these are also extremely hit or miss. (How it renders plant color, can it be dimmed, how intense is it etc) are hard to answer. You could probably find a better light for $20.

A regular 5-10 gallon tank + a hob filter + a light on amazon will probably give you better performance for half the price.