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Nano LEDs

Hi all,
I've got a 1.7W LED Dynamax light set up. It looks very dim, but the plants have carried on growing. I used it for a photosynthesis class (to open the stomata on Commelina communis) and it worked for this, so it definitely produces some PAR. At the moment there is quite a lot of ambient light to the tank it is on, so it will be interesting to see if it is any good long term.

cheers Darrel
LondonDragon said:
Think Luis (ghostsword) has tried them and if I remember correctly some LEDs started failing, guess he will confirm that.

Saw these the other day: http://www.7dayshop.com/catalog/product ... _id=111653 wonder if they could be addpated for tank use!!

Yep, 50% failure in under a year.

If you want LED's then get e27 replacement leds, or similar.
Hi, please note that the one I had was early versions so this one may have a better lifespan. One came with the tank and the other I bought from Singapore , both have 50% dead LEDs, the front ones. 🙂

Just under $70 with the shipping so not so cheap! £43 in real money - but if I'd bought more stuff I could have saved the shipping - which was $30... and I very nearly did buy more 🙂
That looks like a very cool light if it works

Garuf said:
What about the voltage difference between the us and here?
Specs say "Input Power: AC120V-240V" so "in theory" the PSU should be autoswitching and then puts out 12V to the unit.
stuworrall said:
That looks like a very cool light if it works

Garuf said:
What about the voltage difference between the us and here?
Specs say "Input Power: AC120V-240V" so "in theory" the PSU should be autoswitching and then puts out 12V to the unit.

Well we'll see early next week! I'll post some pics as soon as its here and report back. I'm hoping its a simple process of using a converter plug...
hotweldfire said:
Are they adjustable, i.e. dimmable? Very tempted by the 30cm but worry that it'll be excessive light for my 30cm cube.

They do some really interesting moss as well, but don't know if they'll ship those internationally.

I don't think so on the dimming... I emailed them and they were very helpful which convinced me to take the plunge! So mail and ask I can't see them not shipping it as long as its something that isn't licensed over here.

They're shipping me the light unit. The guys name is Steven Lo - aquaforestaquarium@yahoo.com
So my Archaea LED 17 cm light arrived during the week!

Initial thoughts were that it was too small, but I loved the look and it looks well made. On attaching to the tank I think it actually looks fine and around the right size + the 30cm may have looked odd with the overhang.





It's all about the light that it gives off though!! And I had to reorder my converter step down plug as I missed the email saying it was out of stock! So I reordered Thursday and am still waiting 🙁 Expected delivery is now Monday...
Eboeagles said:
So my Archaea LED 17 cm light arrived during the week!
Initial thoughts were that it was too small, but I loved the look and it looks well made.
Very nice looking light, you could always get another one or two if you think its not enough light 😉
So here is what the output looks like on my camera:



It looks like enough light to me, but I'm obviously I'm no expert! Not sure how you do the maths from the info I have - its all very confusing to me...

Not selling them in the UK yet, but I like the look of nearly all the lights they have - different to what you can get over here and the guys who make them look like they also have the license to all the ADA stuff for the US, the shop looks like an equivalent to TGM so can't be bad... not that I've been to either!!