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Product Review Nano Heater Review


8 Feb 2009
Thought I’d do a review of some Nano heaters I’ve acquired. After setting up a couple of nanos recently I found that conventional heaters are big, bulky and hard to conceal. Here are some options without the expense of a external in-line heater. I’ve not quoted prices or source, suffice to say you can get them from various places on the net. All units are metric unless stated. Sorry the images are a bit rushed but had to distribute them to family members to test!

First is the NeoHeater from Aquael, it is nearly the same length of a conventional heater but is very slim and matt black in colour. These aspects make it easy to hide along a back wall behind stems or décor. Construction feels good, no glass and only one push button on the top. Each push of the button increase the thermostat by 1.5 degrees C. The LED display is clear and shows not only the setting but also the actual temp. Comes with a low profile cradle with suckers.

Wattage: 25
Volume Rating in Litres: 10 – 25
Ability to increase above ambient temp: up to 15 L 4 – 8 degrees, less than 4 degrees over 15 L
Dimensions (length x width x depth in mm): 170 x 50 x 9



Second is the Newattino Plus by Aquarium Systems. This is the cutest heater I’ve ever seen. Size of a cigar. It is all plastic and has no moving parts it has a pre-set thermostat cut off at 25 degrees. Even smaller model is available without a thermostat. Could probably even fit inside a large HOB filter compartment. Comes with two suckers that directly attach to heater, no cradle.

Wattage: 10
Volume Rating in Litres: 10 – 20
Ability to increase above ambient temp: Hooded tanks 7 – 5 degrees, open tanks 5 – 3 degrees
Dimensions (length x width x depth in mm): 130 x 12 x 12



Last is the Hydor Mini Heater, this is a smidge bigger than a credit card. It is always “On” with no thermostatic control. Attractive feature of this is the manufacturer stating it can be buried beneath the substrate. I want to try this in a paladarium type set up. I have the 7.5 W version but does come in a larger 15 W version. Comes with one sucker that attaches to the wire.

Wattage: 7.5
Volume Rating in Litres: 8 - 20
Ability to increase above ambient temp: 2 – 2.5 degrees
Dimensions (length x width x depth in mm): 145 x 58 x 3 !



Naturally this represents only my own thoughts and observations and is completely un-official. All above came with UK plugs. Hope you find it useful if planning a Nano – Tom
surely, by putting the hydor heater under the substrate, water flow wont push past it to spread the heat. It would be better in the water coloumn as most people have it IMO. its so small it will hardly detract from the scape.
Thanks for the replies, I'm quite impressed to see some heaters that break the mould a bit ! Yes the Hydor is flexible, seems to be made from a pliable plastic material. I think as long as the substrate does not insulate it too much a convection current would be created (albeit slowly). Need to find a scape to test mine on !
SteveUK said:
I think that hydor would fit into a medium HOB filter quite nicely 🙂
I have read mixed reviews about the Hydor, but I do like the first one on the list, but it is a little large!
:lol: I should probably start actually reviewing these heaters!

Provisionally the Newatino was a bit of a flop for my brother in his tank of approx 12 L. He was running it at 25 degrees but the Newatino could only get it up to 19 degrees. This resulted in mass crypt melt. He did say that his living room does get cold during the day to be fair (about 15 degrees when heating off) so the heater is doing what it said and raising the temp about 3 degrees above ambient temp in an open topped tank. Here is the link to his tank http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=9244&start=20

My Dad is very pleased with the NeoHeater, it is dead easy to use and conceal and heats his 25 L nano to the temp you set on the gauge. The flat profile and matt black means he can hide it behind his stems. I´ll get a photo this weekend of it in action.

For my part I've just installed the Hydor is my emergent tank and will update when I can..... Cheers, Tom
Just found my thermometer. The Hydor is heating the water (about 5 L) to a respectable 23 degrees in an ambient temp of 19 degrees.

I think the thing to be aware is that small tanks are susceptible to fluctuations in ambient temp. If you live in a modern house with central heating this is not likely to be an issue. In older houses (like mine) the room temp can get quite low and these low wattage heaters can only do so much.

Think about where you put your pico/nano and there should`t be any issues. Tom
TBRO said:
I think the thing to be aware is that small tanks are susceptible to fluctuations in ambient temp. If you live in a modern house with central heating this is not likely to be an issue. In older houses (like mine) the room temp can get quite low and these low wattage heaters can only do so much.

Think about where you put your pico/nano and there should`t be any issues. Tom

Plus 1 on this T. I live in an icy student house that had an ambient temperature of 15 degrees in the worst of the winter, but where I went for the Hydor ETH 200 on my nano it kept it at a constant temperature :thumbup:. Although overpowered, another one to consider if these smaller ones aren't 'man' enough for the job.
I use the superfish heaters and found their 50w one to keep my 11" cube really warm and stable, it cycled on say once every hour so I'm guessing it was plenty up to the job. They're very cheap too and aren't too difficult to hide.
quick question, if the hydor is 140mm how is that " a smidge bigger than a credit card"?

What ? Does not everyone have the American Express - Magnum Gold card ?

Ok, yes it's about 4 - 5 cm longer than a credit card, this was the only everyday object that came to mind. The bottom line is it's small, flat and thin = easy to hide. T
Ok thank you, sorry if that sounded rude! Its just im in the market for a small heater for my 5 litre pico, and as it has a HOB filter was just wondering what one to get.

Thanks again

No, I'm a bit tetchy at the mo, pressure from work etc. I think it would be OK in a pico of that size as long as the room temp doesn't get too low as mentioned before and you are happy with 20 - 25 degrees. Cheers, Tom