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nano cube 20lt

Looks stunning, great little scape.. And looks like you made a fortunate pick with the Tillandsia.. :thumbup:
They come in 2 versions, the dessert and jungle version.. The most obvious difference between the 2 is, jungle version has a smooth shiny leaf and can stand humid air. And the dessert version has a velvet looking leaf, it looks like it's covered in powder, with this it traps water droplets which form on the leaves from the mist at dawn. The desert version doesn't like long periods of humid air so much and tends to turn brown and rot when to moist. 🙂
thanks! i got lucky with the tillandsia indeed! it was the last one! i have it now planted in a small pot with soil. would it be better if i just mount it somewhere?
i have it now planted in a small pot with soil. would it be better if i just mount it somewhere?

Yes as Darrel already said in th ewild they grow as epiphytes on trees and not on soil. That's why their common name is Air plants.. 🙂 So it's better to stick a piece of wood in the pot and tie the plant to that piece of wood. Spray it now and then with some rain water, just a little and not dripping wet.. If you keep a bucket of rain water in the garden and put a few old dry leaves in it and let them in there, than the water will have a little food as well.. They do not need much.. If you don't have all that, use demineralized water and ask for special tillandsia fertilizer in the garden shop. They most likely have ready made spray bottles for that which contains only PK ferts.. Do not use regular NPK fert it will kill it.. 🙂
I loved the view from the front before all the big plants grew in. I'd love to see it planted with just some tiny buces etc..

Thanks!! i use half dose of EI and easylife easycarbo . needs a little trim. havent put a hand in for a while.!

Thanks, I'll start to dose mine soon too...do you dose EI daily or after water change only? I think I'll only start dosing micros because mine is only 1 month old and I want to avoid an algae bloom.

Actually I dose Easy carbo and Brighty K (potassium) daily and it seems to work. But my fissidens and riccardia are real slow growers without pressurized CO2.

Good luck for the trimming. :thumbup: