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Nano 30l Co2 System suggestions/reviews?


New Member
13 Jun 2023
Horsham, West Sussex, UK
Hi all,

I'm planning to rescape my 30l Nano tank and add Co2.

I've got the Co2 Pro-Art SE plus fire extinguisher working beautifully in my 200l tank. I'd happily replicate that setup as it works well BUT I have to fit the Nano system on a tiny little shelf underneath - only about 30cm high and a similar width, which rules out the FE.

This fits the shelf and looks perfect: Nano Aquarium CO2 System for Planted Tank 20L - 100L

Any comments or opinions on this system? Anyone use it? Any other suggestions of other similar Nano kits I should check out that will fit the space constraints I have?

Thanks in advance!
