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Name that Fish GAME.

It reminds me of the perch i catch at a loch a 5minute walk away from my house >🙂
Amniataba Percoides 😀

Happy new year :twisted:
And too you, its a tosanoides flavofasciatus very nice marine fish, my neighbour has 1.

Am i right? 😛
Correct, didn't expect you to get is so fast haha
Is it a Sinogastromyzon?
Not hard, I'm just giving other people a chance 😉
Okaaaay 😛, btw do you have cichlid tanks? im thinking about setting up a 15G for smaller cichlids, may need some help.
mitchelllawson said:
Okaaaay 😛, btw do you have cichlid tanks? im thinking about setting up a 15G for smaller cichlids, may need some help.
No i'm afraid i don't 🙁 perfect water here for them though
It's not a type of beaufortia?
Pseudogastromyzon? if not give us another picture? 😉
Gotta be a Balitora Brucei?