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My personal experience so far.........


New Member
22 Apr 2024
I've finally got my tank up and running. 200 litre with 56watt of light (so far, will be adding another 14watt next week).
I have several variations and I don't know the name of 1! I lie, I have 3 Anubias, 3 java fern and several patches of Dwarf grass. The rest I don't know the names of.
I set up the tank last Friday and since then I have seen a few spots of new growth.
I used Miracle Grow Performance organics soil which I topped with 2 inch of Flourite black sand. I forget to rinse the sand and now each time I even look at the substrate it leaks a grey fog! I'm hoping this will improve.
I'm using API products including Aqua essential, Quick Start and liquid plant feed.
So far I have done 4 water changes and my most recent (today) readings are,
Ph 6.4ppm, Ammonia 0.25ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 5ppm.
Since setting up my aquarium last Friday I have tested the water a good few times and it has fluctuated slightly which I have responded with a 40% water change API aque essential and API quick start. Testing the water 24hrs later each time and the water parameters have even put. I respond each time with a water change and products.
I plan to test at least every 48hrs and take action according until my ph, ammonia and nitrate stabilise without help and my nitrate shows a slight rise indicating the nitrogen cycle is established.
Please feel free to add comment and share your wisdom as you feel you can.
Also, I'm yet to add fish. I was planning on cycling my tank with fish but financial restraints dictate otherwise, so I'll be fully cycling the tank fish-less


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