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My 89 Litre project.

What a beauty. I have never seen such an amazing natural looking aquascape, outside YouTube . May I ask you, are you a professional aquascapist?
Thank you, but I am absolutely not an aquascaper! I got some professional help from @George Farmer to design and get it going - as I just did not know what to do so he showed me in my own home. (I learn more by practicable doing). The idea is to understand how this evolves (with the great help from people on this forum), and then it will be time to scape my 100L tank entirely from scratch. So this is a big 'learning how to keep plants alive' project, followed by actually doing it all myself.
Alright, Its been more than 48 hours now.

1. I planted Glossostigma at the gap where the mold ate the plants, before flooding.
2. I added Anbias and Java Fern on the hardscape.

I know I should have waited, for a couple of weeks before having epiphyte, but I am an IDIOT, my I demolished some of my old tanks so and took those plants
I also have baby duck weeds, they are all scattered, I just hope that the filter doesn't suck them through the surface skimmer.





It's been 4 days and I can see bio slug wood snot developed on the rear driftwood I was surprised to see baby bladder snails came from nowhere. I hope they do the dirty work of cleaning it. I wouldn't risk with the lives of Amman Shrimps or Mysterty snails to do the cleaning. Though I am planning have to have Amano and Chery shrimps in a month once the tank is cycled.

Some of the hair grass has grown beyond 6 inches. Is it the right time to trim or should I wait? How much time does it take for these grasses to create runners and expand horizontally?
I am having trouble now. Having so many mosses are attracting algae

What sort of algae? Have you manually removed as much of the algae as possible from the moss, with a toothbrush for example if possible? Wondering if you have too much light combined with mostly slow growers which could be causing you problems. I wonder if trimming the moss & grass to encourage growth as well as some floating plants to help dim the lighting and absorb some excess nutrients could help, have you got a picture of how the moss is looking?
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It looks like green hair algae.

Yes the light has a fix brightness, I cannot afford a premium light like Chiros WRB 2 until I get my next pay check. I used some floating plants, duckweed, and last week I ordered dwarf water lettuce. But I those are too big. I selected a bunch of smallest. The plants and grasses are grown, but algae has taken the lead.
Not yet, I thought that these floating plants will do the job, but I will use black tape. How should I use it? By making a straight line at the centre?

Just now I did some maintenance
1. Removed hairy algae above the moss, drift wood and grasses.
2. trimmed the moss, grasses and some plants.
3. Cleaned algae from the glasses
4. Changed 25% water.

I was shocked to see the amount of debris from uneaten food, waste, detritus that was trapped inside the moss. Though I managed to get rid of it. But I need super heavy duty cleaning crews. This was the first time I had moss, covering most of the driftwood. I thought moss gives a natural look but now I think I should get rid of it. I need some tips and tricks on maintaining the moss. I was also disappointed with Hydrocot Japan it form thick carpet on the river. Which trapped debris from uneaten food, waste. Which I discovered after trimming it, and now I feel like removing it. But just like fishes I love plants in my aquarium. So removing those plants will hurt me. Hydrocot Japan is a very fast growing plant and I used 2 cups pf TC
Again, I think others have commented in the cleanliness of your tank previously.

Your tank is still new and will need frequent water changes, 50% twice per week. Also, to get rid of detritus make sure that you waft your hands over where it settles, including the moss so that it is released into the water. Then do your water changes change.

The fact that there is so much uneaten food suggests that you are over feeding as well.
I am changing 20-25% water every 48 hours. There are some cherry shrimps in my tank, I saw some videos in YT in which the author said that shrimps are sensitive to water changes, so I thought 50% can give them a shock
It looks like green hair algae.

Yes the light has a fix brightness, I cannot afford a premium light like Chiros WRB 2 until I get my next pay check. I used some floating plants, duckweed, and last week I ordered dwarf water lettuce. But I those are too big. I selected a bunch of smallest. The plants and grasses are grown, but algae has taken the lead.
Reduce the lighting to 6 hours.
Cover 50% of the surface with Amazon Frogbit and any fast-growing stem plants!
1. Size of tank in litres. - 89 L Tank size + 3L Fluval 207 canister filter
2. Age of the set - up. - 45 days 3 weeks dry start, 2 weeks with Eheim Classic 250 + 2 weeks with fluvial 207
3. Filtration + Media/Sponges. - Fluval 207, with filter media that comes shipped with the filter + a 7 inch coarse sponge on the filter intake
4. Lighting and duration. - 8 hours photo period with CO2 injection
5. Substrate. - Platinum soil
6. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing. - 8 hours
7. Fertilizers used & Ratios. - Fertilizer + Micro nutrients + Macro nutrients twice a week
8. Water change regime and type.- 20-25% water change every 36-48 hours
9. Plant list + When planted. - Dwarf hair grass , Giant hair grass, Anubias, Java fern, Christmas moss, Rotala, Rein Ki Mini, Hydrocort Japan
10. Drop Checker. - Blueish green
11. Inhabitants. - Cherry Shrimps, snails, cherry barb
12. Full tank image & Surface image.
I want to start a detail discussion on clean up crews, tank cleaning maintenance. Should I continue here or can I start a new thread to cover that specific topic?
1. Size of tank in litres. - 89 L Tank size + 3L Fluval 207 canister filter
In a planted set-up, the guideline is to have a filter 10x times the volume of the aquarium. Therefore, you are looking for a filter with an output/turnover of 900 litres a hour.
I want to start a detail discussion on clean up crews, tank cleaning maintenance. Should I continue here or can I start a new thread to cover that specific topic?
You can ask questions here!
You can ask questions here!
I was doing my research on clean up crews and I found that shrimps are one of the best clean up crews. They not only eat algae, but they also feed on detritus, (un eaten food, for uneaten food I can also have corydoras who are excellent scavengers and then mystery snails). In shrimps cherry shrimps and amino shrimps are the one that are hardy and does the job of cleaning. Amano shrimps are more efficient, but the problem with amino shrimps is they need brackish water for their larvae to survive. With Cherry shrimps they can breed on fresh water and form a colony, but aren't that efficient as Amano shrimps. Can I have more information on breeding Amano shrimps?