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My new project

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19 Mar 2009
Hi all i have kept fish for many many years but strangly only just changed one of my tanks over to plants, my tank is 22uk gallons with approx 8cms of silver sand substrate, i have 2x 18w t8 plant growth tubes, a DIY C02 setup split between a bell disfuser and venturi via the filter exit pipe, i also use seachem flourish and excel.

If theres anything i should know that ive missed or any advance i things ive got wrong please post as i really want this to be the start of good things to come 😀

quick pic of my tank the day after i planted it

Tanks looks nice and bright. Seems bigger than 22 gallons lol. Only thing id say is to posit me out the vallis along the back and it will soon send out runners and you'll have a nice wall of the stuff. The one in the middle is standing in the way of The sword behind it :0). Your fertiliser dosing seems fine although the tall grass plants (vallis) may suffer melt from the excel. Good luck with Your first planted tank.
Hi, tank looks good and will look even better once plants have grown in a bit. What fish do you have in the tank? What filter are you running? Keep up the good work.
Thanks guys you were right about the Vallis is starting to send runners up and its lost a couple of leaves due to melt so i stopped the excel for now..

The only problem i have is the anubias has developed black spots on the leaves i tried to wipe them to check if it was algae and it wouldnt come off!

Ant ideas guys
Also you see that plant far right, (sorry i cant remeber the names off the top of my head) 😳 its terminal buds and top 1cms of growth on each stem has turned light yellow/whiteish?

Ant thoughts on what might be causing that?
This is the plant i mentioned in the above post, it just seems the tips of each growing stem turning lighter/yellowish? any thoughts?

Thanks guys!

Hi the substrate is just sand although i have seachem tabs dotted around the tank, i dose Seachem Flourish once a week.

Do you think i have enough light? 36w for 22 gal = 1.6wpg
I currently have Golden barb, cherry barb, harlequin tetra, and endlers, my end goal is just to keep endlers in the tank.
I may be wrong but I think Flourish contains mainly trace elements and not the Macros (N,P,K) that your plants will crave? Have you looked at using E.I?
A good all-in-one fertiliser is TPN+ if you don`t want to go down the dry salt road. (I bet my bottom dollar you will be E.I dosing in 6 months time though...? :lol: )