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My New Lemon Bristlenose!!!

Ben M

1 Sep 2009
Yesterday i bought 7 lovely little lemon BN's. they are great little characters and seem very healthy. they've had cucumber and peas up to now, along with algae wafers of course. they don't seem too keen on the cucumber though, so i'll see if the courgette plants bear any fruit... i mean vegetables. i didn't buy them for algae. but the algae is rapidly disappearing from my big piece of bogwood. these are already becoming one of my favourite fish, here are some pics:
sorry for the rubbish pic quality, i took some better pics, but photobucket won't upload them. 🙁 oh, and they look like they have red eyes in the pics, but that's just the camera. they are lemon BN's not albino.








I also gave the 10 kribs to my local MA, as they were bullying the corys, and i definitely wasn't going to risk the BN's. when i went i took back some manado, as i'm getting a better substrate, and they wouldn't even give me a refund, they just gave me a credit note. :thumbdown:

anyway, while catching the kribs i managed to make a bit of a mess of my tank!:


i've replanted everything now, and hopefully the plants will do ok. i'll upload some better pics soon if it'll let me.

cheers 😀
i dont understand why they are called lemon bristlenoses? to me, that would make them yellow.

those are albino BN's, as they are white with the red eyes.

prepare for thousands of babies!
hi, they are sort of a yellowy orange colour, so that's like a lemon.

they are lemon BN's, not albinos, their eyes are black. it's just that in a couple of the pics the camera has made them look red. if you look at pics 2 and 4, you can see their eyes properly.

cheers :thumbup:

make sure you give them plenty of food ie veggies / algae waffers - if they take a likeing to your plants they will strip out all the pigment out of the plants and you will end up with lots of lace plants. I had a couple of BN's and I watch one start at the top of a leaf and he worked his way up and down the leaf until there was no pigment left in the leaf - looked like a lace plant.

thanks guys, they've had loads of veggies, i'm seeing which are their favourites ATM. hopefully they'll keep off the plants if i feed them well, but if not, i'm not that keen on my amazon swords anyway. :lol:

cheers 😀